“If there are wise men left in Washington, then Bill Frenzel was most assuredly one of them. He was both a scholar and a statesman who served his country in many important ways.
“As a Member of Congress from 1971 to 1991, he was known as a voice for reason and compromise who was respected on both sides of the political aisle. In the years since, he became known as a voice for fiscal responsibility and global trade who was called upon by Presidents for his counsel and expertise on these and other issues.
“His service to The Ripon Society has been similarly without parallel. Over the years, Bill served as our President and Chairman Emeritus. He also Chaired the editorial board of The Ripon Forum. He led with a steady hand and a leadership style that was marked by intellect, warmth, humor and grace. At the end of every meeting with Bill, you were guaranteed to have two things: consensus — Bill was an expert at bringing people together and finding common ground; and a ‘Frenzel doodle’ — Bill was also a skilled artist, whose intricate and beautiful drawings over the course of a meeting now adorn the walls of many offices in this town, including, fortunately, our own.
“Our organization — and, indeed, our country — was richer with his presence and is poorer with his loss. On behalf of The Ripon Society, we mourn his passing, pay tribute to his life, and extend our thoughts and prayers to his beloved wife Ruthy and their daughters and grandchildren.”