• “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.”

    “Citizen in a Republic,” Speech at the Sorbonne in Paris
    April 23, 1910

    Wisdom From Our 26th President – July 23, 2024

  • “If next November my countrymen confirm at the polls the action of the convention you represent, I shall, under Providence, continue to work with an eye single to the welfare of all our people.”

    Remarks at the Republican National Convention
    July 27, 1904

    Wisdom From Our 26th President – July 16, 2024

  • “The country has stood a great deal in the past and can stand a great deal more in the future.”

    Letter to his sister, Bamie
    June 8, 1884

    Wisdom from Our 26th President – July 9, 2024

  • “It is a good thing, on the Fourth of July for us to come together, and we have the right to express our pride in what our forefathers did, and our joy in the abundant greatness of this people.”

    Speech in Huntington, New York
    July 4th, 1903

    Wisdom from Our 26th President – July 2, 2024

  • “That man is the best American who has in him the American spirit, the American soul.”

    Speech in New York City
    March 17, 1905

    Wisdom From Our 26th President – June 25, 2024

  • “As the years roll by, and as all of us, wherever we dwell, grow to feel . . . a peculiar sense of pride in the mightiest of the mighty men . . . the man whose blood was shed for the union of his people and for the freedom of a race, Abraham Lincoln.”

    Speech in Hodgenville, Kentucky
    February 12, 1909

    Wisdom From Our 26th President – June 18, 2024

  • “Strength should go hand in hand with courtesy, with scrupulous regard in word and deed, not only for the rights, but for the feelings, of other countries.”

    Speech in Waukesha, Wisconsin
    April 3, 1903

    Wisdom From Our 26th President – June 11, 2024

  • “A really great people, proud and high-spirited, would face all the disasters of war rather than purchase that base prosperity which is bought at the price of national honor.”

    Address as Assistant Secretary of the Navy
    Naval War College, June 1897

    Wisdom From Our 26th President – June 4, 2024

  • “They have died with high honor, and not in vain; for it is they, and those like them, who have saved the soul of the world.”

    Letter to James Bryce following the combat death of Quentin Roosevelt in WWI
    August 7, 1918

    Wisdom From Our 26th President – May 28, 2024

  • “No one quality or virtue is enough; vigor, honesty, sound judgement – all are needed in order to succeed.”

    The Key to Success in Life

    Wisdom From Our 26th President – May 21, 2024

  • “I firmly believe that some method will be devised by which the people of the world as a whole, will be able to insure peace, as it can not now be insured. How soon that end will come, I do not know: it may be far distant.”

    Speech at the dinner of the Nobel Peace Committee
    May 5, 1910


  • In order to get good citizenship the average man must have honesty, he must have courage, and united to them he must have the saving grace of common sense.

    Speech in Westfield, MA
    September 2, 1902

    Wisdom from Our 26th President – May 7, 2024