Ripon Society Hosts Discussion with Team McCarthy

WASHINGTON, DC – With Members of Congress back home for the July 4th District work period, The Ripon Society hosted a discussion yesterday evening with a group of key staff members from the office of the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy (CA-20).

The discussion featured remarks by Machalagh Carr, the Chief of Staff to Speaker McCarthy, who shared her thoughts on the 118th Congress under Speaker McCarthy as well as her insights on the legislative agenda for the rest of the year. Following her remarks, Carr introduced the other members of the Speaker’s staff who were in attendance.

The staff members included: Charles Correll, Speechwriter; Jordan Dayer, Floor Assistant; Emily Domenech, Senior Policy Advisor; Max Engling, Director of Member Services; Jamie Gillespie, Special Assistant to the Speaker; Chad Gilmartin, Deputy Spokesperson; Ella Gunn, Cloakroom Floor Assistant; Charlie Homan, Cloakroom Floor Assistant; Allie Kotsovos, Deputy Director of Member Services; Brittany Martinez, Press Secretary; James Min, Deputy Chief of Staff/Counsel; Tim Monahan, Director of House Operations; Cullen Murphy, Cloakroom Floor Director; Caleb Smith, Head of Communications; and, Trevor Smith, Legislative Director.

“We appreciate Machalagh and the Speaker’s staff for joining us yesterday evening,” stated Jim Conzelman, the President & CEO of The Ripon Society. “After a historic start to the speakership, they hit the ground running and haven’t stopped. Under Speaker McCarthy and with the support of his incredible staff, the People’s House has been more open than it has been since the COVID-19 pandemic, kids are back in school, and Americans are back to work. We are very appreciative to have had the opportunity to hear from these fine folks who will continue changing the tides in the coming months.”

“Under Speaker McCarthy and with the support of his incredible staff, the People’s House has been more open than it has been since the COVID-19 pandemic, kids are back in school, and Americans are back to work.”

According to Conzelman, yesterday’s reception was attended by a crowd of over 100 people and was the 29th event The Ripon Society has held so far in 2023. Conzelman also noted that The Ripon Society will hold its next discussion on July 13 with Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar (FL-27), who will be discussing her immigration reform plan, the Dignity Act, followed by a discussion with House Rules Committee Chairman Tom Cole (OK-4) on July 20.

The Ripon Society is a public policy organization that was founded in 1962 and takes its name from the town where the Republican Party was born in 1854 – Ripon, Wisconsin. One of the main goals of The Ripon Society is to promote the ideas and principles that have made America great and contributed to the GOP’s success. These ideas include keeping our nation secure, keeping taxes low and having a federal government that is smaller, smarter and more accountable to the people.