Ripon Society Holds 5th Annual Legislative and Communications Directors Symposium on Leadership at Mount Vernon


WASHINGTON, DC — The Ripon Society held its 5th Annual Legislative and Communications Directors Symposium on Leadership at Mount Vernon this past Friday, a daylong event that drew top congressional aides to the historic estate of America’s first President for a series of speeches and panel discussions focused on the challenges facing the nation – and the new Republican Majority – in 2015.

“This is our fifth year holding this symposium,” stated Jim Conzelman, the President & CEO of The Ripon Society, in opening remarks to kick-off the day. “And I have to say, this is probably our most exciting year yet. The reason is simple – for the first time since 2006, Republicans control both the House and the Senate. Clearly, it’s good to be back in the majority. But with great power comes great expectations.

“One of the goals of our symposium today is to discuss how we manage those expectations and show the American people that, with Harry Reid on the sidelines and Republicans in control, things will get done. At the same time, by meeting here at Mount Vernon, we also hope to remind you of the historical significance of your job. You are walking in the footsteps of Washington, which is easy to forget in this age of snark and soundbites, but is worth considering while you are here.”

According to Conzelman, the agenda for The Ripon Society’s 5th Annual Legislative and Communications Directors Symposium on Leadership at Mount Vernon included:

  • Presentation on “What America Wants” – featuring remarks by David Winston, the President of the strategy and public opinion research firm, The Winston Group.
  • Panel Discussion on “Managing Expectations” – featuring remarks by: John Feehery, the President of Quinn Gillespie Communications and former Press Secretary to Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert; Rich Galen, the Publisher of and former Press Secretary to Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich; Jennifer Mastin Giglio, the Vice President of Communications for the Washington Nationals and former Deputy Press Secretary to the 2008 Giuliani for President campaign; and, David Winston, who in addition to serving as President of his own strategy and research firm, also serves as an advisor to the House and Senate Congressional Leadership. The panel discussion was moderated by Barry Jackson, a Strategic Advisor with Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck and former Chief of Staff to Speaker of the House John Boehner.
  • Q&A with the House & Senate Leadership Staff – featuring remarks by: Mike Sommers, the Chief of Staff for Speaker of the House Boehner; Hazen Marshall, the Policy Director for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell; Russ Thomasson, the Chief of Staff for Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn; and, Bill Hughes, the Policy Director for House Majority Whip Steve Scalise. The panel discussion was moderated by Greg Maurer, Director of Public Policy for Facebook and former Director of Member Services to then-Majority Leader Boehner.
  • Keynote Remarks by Chuck Todd – featuring the moderator of Meet the Press and Political Director of NBC News.
  • Panel Discussion on “Understanding and Working with the Senate” – featuring remarks by individuals who have served as staff members in both the U.S. House and Senate, including: Dave Hoppe, who, among other roles, served as Chief of Staff to former Republican Whip Jon Kyl and Administrative Assistant to former Congressman Jack Kemp; Marc Lampkin, who served General Counsel for the House Republican Conference under then-Chairman Boehner and Policy Director for the late U.S. Senator Paul D. Coverdell; and, Rob Lehman as Chief of Staff to Rob Portman in both the House and the Senate and was also Chief of Staff to former Congressman Larry Combest. The discussion was moderated by Ralph Hellmann, a partner with the Lugar Hellmann Group and former senior policy advisor to Speakers Gingrich and Hastert.

Conzelman noted that Curt Viebranz, the President & CEO of Mount Vernon, also delivered remarks at the Symposium, welcoming the crowd to the historic estate in the morning. He added that Michigan Governor Rick Snyder was also scheduled to deliver remarks at the event, but was forced to cancel at the last minute due to complications of an ankle injury that restricted his travel.

A photo gallery from The Ripon Society’s 5th Annual Legislative and Communications Directors Symposium on Leadership at Mount Vernon on February 20th can be viewed by clicking here.