
Vol. 58, No. 2

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In this edition

With Congress coming off a contentious debate that saw it approve critical aid and military assistance for key American allies around the world, one leader in the United States Senate is saying it’s time for Congress to start paying more attention to some of our key allies closer to home.  The leader is U.S. Sen. […]

Taxes: What’s at Stake in 2025

Next year, Congress and the White House will be presented with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to revisit America’s tax policies.

Navigating the Upcoming Tax Cliff

Taxes are set to rise in 2026. A lot. Without a concerted effort, preventing these tax hikes will significantly add to the deficit.

A Smart Way to Reduce the Tax Burden and Promote Economic Growth

Lawmakers must prioritize policies that come with the biggest “bang for the buck” — that is, what policies will bring the most growth for the least cost?

What a Pro-Family Tax Code Should Look Like

While some policies may look friendly to families, we must consider the tax code as a whole and in the context of a global economy.

It’s Time for the U.S. to Refocus on Latin America

With China’s influence growing in the Western Hemisphere, it is time for the United States to re-engage with our allies in the region.

The Emerging Threat of BRICS

Led by Russia and China, this nine-nation coalition has one goal — to weaken the United States.

Why Guyana is Poised to be the U.S.’s Most Strategic Ally in the Americas

Nearly 10 years after discovering a significant amount of oil off its shore, Guyana is becoming a strategic outpost for U.S. interests in the Americas.

Trade Policy Under Biden:

After disparaging the trade policies of his predecessor, President Biden has surprised man by embracing these same policies of his own.

Why 2024 could be the Year for Federal Paid Family Leave

The U.S. is one of only seven countries without some form of paid family and medical leave.

Republicans Should Maintain Bipartisan Support for PEPFAR

By providing support to partner countries, the U.S. forges both health and diplomatic ties.

Working Class Folks are the New Political Base and Republicans Have the Advantage

The GOP’s new voters need relief from both government and the private sector.

Ripon Profile of James Lankford

James Lankford discusses the crisis at America’s southern border.

Ripon Profile of James Lankford

Name: James Lankford

Occupation: U.S. Senator for Oklahoma

Book(s) you’re recommending to friends: The Bible, Love Your Enemies by Arthur Brooks

Most significant accomplishment(s) since coming to Congress: After years of work, Congress passed my Taxpayers Right-to-Know Act and in February of 2024, the Office of Management and Budget launched the Federal Program Inventory. This gives every American the ability to see how their tax dollars are spent and is a step to end waste and duplication in government. This is the first time an online tool has allowed anyone to quickly and easily search for information about every federal program that provides grants, loans, or direct payments. That is a huge step to address our national debt.

Challenge facing your state that you are working hard to address: This should come as no surprise, but it’s securing our border. This is a national security issue for all Americans, because Biden’s border crisis has made every state a border state with illegal crossers, illegal drugs, and contraband coming across the border into our communities. We need to go beyond throwing money at the border. We need real solutions to secure the border and that starts with President Biden using the authorities he has now to secure it. We are now close to 8 million illegal border crossers in three years. That includes thousands of individuals who have been identified by DHS as “Special Interest Aliens,” someone who poses a national security risk to the US. We need to secure our border, and we need to do it now.

Excerpt from Federal Fumbles report that will make every taxpayer wince: There are a lot of earmarks that when Oklahomans hear about it make them wince, including federal tax dollars paying for million-dollar splash pads, ski jumps, drag shows in Ecuador, or a National Science Foundation study on butterflies in Europe. But what should really make anyone pause is the fact that we are $34 trillion in debt, and there is no serious effort in Congress to turnaround our fiscal house. Federal Fumbles is a starting point to cut wasteful spending to address our fiscal realities. You can check it out by visiting www.lankford.senate.gov/about/fumbles