With the 2012 election less than 100 days away, perhaps it’s a good time to make another prediction — if Barack Obama wins a second term as President, one of the first things he’s going to do is call Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles into the Oval Office and tell them to: “Get it done.”
When Fred Upton was named the Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee last December, it was not just one of the biggest victories of his career, but also a victory over radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, who waged an on-air crusade to deny the Michigan Republican the gavel.
The Administration of George W. Bush had many faults. But one thing you could never fault it for was failing to remember that America’s security is the first function of the federal government.
“McCain, who holds a large but not insurmountable lead over Hayworth, may choose to run as an Independent if the Tea Partiers come out against him and his lead vanishes as a result.”
For a generation of Americans, the phrase Morning in America and the presidency of Ronald Reagan will forever be linked. The phrase represented not just the dawning of a new day for our Nation, but the dawning of a new era for the GOP. Today, Republicans are looking for a similar phrase that captures the mood…
“Now, with polls showing that the president is hemorrhaging support among independents and those in the political center, another view is beginning to take hold — namely, that Barack Obama is the Archie Manning of American politics, the one shining star on an otherwise hapless team. ”
Over the past 30 years, conservatives have successfully branded anyone who supports raising taxes as being a liberal.
During his campaign for President, Barack Obama promised many things. One of his promises was to govern from the middle. Yet four months into his administration, it has become increasingly clear that he faces two main obstacles in fulfilling this promise and achieving this goal.
What won Obama the election in the final analysis was that he exuded competence. Not Michael Dukakis-silly-looking-helmet-on-head kind of competence. But the kind of competence that convinces people that, if they vote for him, he’s going to get the job done.
The American people want lower taxes. But they also want to know the money they send to Washington is being well spent.
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According to political experts, one of the key constituencies of the past few elections has been “Walmart moms.” These are the moms, these same experts tell us, who have at least one child at home and shop at Walmart at least once a month. In all likelihood, they are also moms who shop at Walmart because…