
In this edition

At a time when nearly three-quarters of the American people are expressing concern about presidents gaining more political power, the latest edition of The Ripon Forum examines how Congress can address these concerns and reclaim its rightful role as the First Branch of government.

To Keep America Great, We Must Reduce Our National Debt

When you add other liabilities and unfunded social insurance obligations, the total federal financial sinkhole is over $125 trillion and growing faster than the economy.

Protests, Free Speech, and Antisemitism on College Campuses

If colleges won’t act to protect the safety of their own students, Congress has a responsibility to do so. We cannot sit idly by as campus protesters intimidate and harass their Jewish classmates.

The Good and the Bad of Domestic Data Protection

To better secure American data, the U.S. federal government should focus on enhancing and enforcing data protection standards, regardless of the company’s country of origin.

Restoring to Congress the Power of the Purse

In today’s partisan environment, Members of Congress who belong to the same party as the President see their role as being adjuncts to the Executive Branch. That has to stop.

How Congress can Tame the Administrative State

All told, the Biden Administration has issued nearly 250 significant rules since taking office in 2021, a pace that far exceeds any previous president.

The Seeds of Dysfunction and the Roots of Reform

At a time when partisan purity is considered a virtue and legislative resources are being reduced, it’s not surprising that Congress is failing to meet the challenges facing America.

Empowering Committees Can Restore Congress – and Our Democracy

Improving the ability of committees to drive policy could get many more Members of Congress off the sidelines to solve problems for the American people.

The House Rules Committee Still Matters

After the defeat of seven special rules in the current Congress, some people are wondering whether the panel often referred to as the “Speaker’s Committee” is still relevant.

Should the Social Security Retirement Age Be Raised? Yes.

If Congress does nothing to address Social Security’s shortfalls, benefits will be cut by 21 percent, across the board beginning in just nine years—in 2033. That means that anyone who is of Generation X or younger will not receive a single full benefit. Even Baby Boomers and Silent Generation retirees will be subject to cuts. […]

Should the Social Security Retirement Age Be Raised? No.

Social Security is a key component of the American Dream. After decades of hard work, retirees should be able to rest easier knowing Social Security will cover at least some of their most basic living expenses so they can live out their golden years with some breathing room.

Ripon Profile of Laurel Lee

Laurel Lee discusses the one thing she would change about politics today.

National Security and Civil Liberties: The Legislative Challenge

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