WASHINGTON, DC — With a new Congress and President about to be sworn into office, The Ripon Forum reached out to policy and political leaders from around America to get their thoughts on the most pressing challenges facing our country and the priorities that should be addressed in the coming year.
Wisdom From Our 26th President – December 17, 2024
“…the one absolutely essential quality which we must bring to every problem and to every deed and without which true success is impossible, is intense Americanism – to be American in heart, in soul, in spirit, and in purpose.” Letter to Woodrow Wilson December 3, 1903
Ripon Society & Franklin Center Honor the “Unsung Heroes of Capitol Hill” at 13th Annual Bipartisan Luncheon
WASHINGTON, DC – The Ripon Society and The Franklin Center for Global Policy Exchange held their 13th annual bipartisan luncheon honoring the Operations Directors and Schedulers in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
Wisdom From Our 26th President – December 10, 2024
“In addition to decency, morality, virtue, clean living, you must have hardihood, resolution, the power to do, the power to dare, the power to endure, and when you have that combination, then you get the proper type of American citizenship.” Address in Claremont, California May 8, 1903
Wisdom From Our 26th President – December 3, 2024
“The greatest piece of good luck that can befall any one of us is to have the chance to take part in some work worth doing, and to do it well.” Speech in Kansas City September 24, 1912
Wisdom From Our 26th President – November 26, 2024
“It is eminently fitting that once a year our people should set apart a day for praise and thanksgiving to the Giver of Good.” Proclamation November 2, 1905
“What has been lost is the perception that America is a badass.”
WASHINGTON, DC —In remarks this past Thursday at a “fireside chat” hosted by The Ripon Society, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo assessed the last four years of U.S. foreign policy under the Biden Administration, and some of the pressing challenges facing the incoming Trump Administration around the world.
Young Evaluates Challenges and Opportunities for GOP Majority
WASHINGTON, DC – Exactly two weeks after the Republican Party maintained its majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and claimed both the U.S. Senate and the White House, The Ripon Society hosted a lunch meeting featuring the remarks of U.S. Senator Todd Young (R-IN).
Wisdom From Our 26th President – November 19, 2024
“I care immensely for this country, and I wish to have it a land of which my grandchildren will be proud to be citizens.” Letter to John Callin Laughlin April 13, 1917
Wisdom From Our 26th President – November 12, 2024
“I can hardly say how proud I am of this regiment. It is so typically American! It is just the ideal body for me to lead; and the men are devoted to me.” Letter to Anna Roosevelt Cowles July 28, 1898
Wisdom From Our 26th President – November 5, 2024
“I want to see every man vote. I would rather have you come to the polls even if you voted against me than have you shirk your duty.” Speech in Richland, NY October 29, 1898
WASHINGTON, DC — With over 14 million Americans currently caring for a veteran or military service member in the United States, the 6th Annual Veteran Day Special Edition of The Ripon Forum examines the challenges facing these hidden heroes and what policymakers can do to support them.