Author: Ripon Society

  • Ripon Society Holds Roundtable Discussion with Senate Chiefs

    Ripon Society Holds Roundtable Discussion with Senate Chiefs

    WASHINGTON, DC – Five months into the 114th Congress, The Ripon Society hosted a roundtable with senior staff from the U.S. Senate to discuss the accomplishments so far this year and the agenda for the rest of 2015.

  • May 26, 2015

    May 26, 2015

    “He is but a poor American who, looking at this field, does not feel within himself a deeper reverence for the Nation’s past and a higher purpose to make the Nation’s future rise level to her past.”  – Gettysburg National Cemetery, Decoration Day, May 30, 1904

  • Roskam and Boustany Talk About the Effort They are Leading to Reform the Tax Code & Rein in the IRS

    Roskam and Boustany Talk About the Effort They are Leading to Reform the Tax Code & Rein in the IRS

    WASHINGTON, DC – Ways and Means Subcommittee Chairs Peter Roskam and Charles Boustany spoke to a meeting of The Ripon Society about restoring common sense to the tax code and accountability at the Internal Revenue Service.

  • RIPON FORUM Looks at How Congress Shaped the 1980 Campaign – and How it Can Shape the Presidential Campaign Next Year

    RIPON FORUM Looks at How Congress Shaped the 1980 Campaign – and How it Can Shape the Presidential Campaign Next Year

    WASHINGTON, DC — If recent history is any guide, the House and Senate will soon be passive bystanders in the coming presidential debate. But precedent exists for the GOP Majority to shape the agenda from Capitol Hill.

  • May 19, 2015

    May 19, 2015

    “There is no surer way of destroying the capacity for self-government in people than to accustom that people to demanding the impossible or the improper from its public men.” – San Francisco, California, May 14, 1903

  • May 12, 2015

    May 12, 2015

    “The welfare of the woman is even more important than the welfare of the man; for the mother is the real Atlas, who bears aloft in her strong and tender arms the destiny of the world. ” – The Outlook, August 27, 1910

  • Tillis: The Time is Now for TPA

    Tillis: The Time is Now for TPA

    WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis (NC) spoke to a meeting of The Ripon Society, delivering a speech about his first few months in office and some key issues affecting his home state, including Trade Promotion Authority.

  • ‘Get your job done, get out of the way, and let America work.’

    ‘Get your job done, get out of the way, and let America work.’

    WASHINGTON, DC – In a speech yesterday morning to The Ripon Society, U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner said it was critical for Republicans to listen to the message voters sent in the last election and “govern responsibly” over the next two years.

  • May 5, 2015

    May 5, 2015

    “We wish to see the business man prosper and make money, for unless he does prosper and make money he can neither permanently pay good wages to his employees nor permanently render good service to the public.” – Portsmouth, Rhode Island, July 2, 1913

  • Barrasso: After Years of Stalemate, Senate is Working Again

    Barrasso: After Years of Stalemate, Senate is Working Again

    WASHINGTON, DC – Senator John Barrasso appeared before a breakfast meeting of The Ripon Society, where he discussed the Senate agenda and the fact that the Senate is functioning again for the first time in several years.

  • April 28, 2015

    April 28, 2015

    “We stand for the honest enforcement of law, and in the long run I have faith that the American people will approve of that stand, because the honest enforcement of law is vital to the ultimate well-being of our great Republic.”   – Buffalo, New York, September 11, 1895

  • “America is falling apart, and we need to act.”

    “America is falling apart, and we need to act.”

    WASHINGTON, DC – Transportation Committee Chairman Bill Shuster and Ranking Member Peter DeFazio came together yesterday morning to discuss their bipartisan drive to rebuild our nation’s crumbling bridges and roads.