Author: Ripon Society

  • February 25, 2014

    February 25, 2014

    “Good weapons are necessary, but if you put the best weapon that can be invented into the hands of a coward, he will be beaten by a brave man with a club.” Kansas City, Missouri May 1, 1903

  • “The Numbers Don’t Lie”

    “The Numbers Don’t Lie”

    WASHINGTON, DC – With the mid-term elections less than seven months away, The Ripon Society hosted a luncheon discussion yesterday afternoon to look at the American electorate and how political trends may impact the prospects of the Republican Party in November.

  • February 18, 2014

    “As a people we are indeed beyond measure fortunate in the characters of the two greatest of our public men, Washington and Lincoln. … Each had lofty ideas, but each in striving to attain these lofty ideas was guided by the soundest common sense.” Hodgenville, Kentucky February 12, 1909

  • At Ripon Society Breakfast, Moran Expresses Optimism About GOP Prospects For Taking Back the Senate

    At Ripon Society Breakfast, Moran Expresses Optimism About GOP Prospects For Taking Back the Senate

    WASHINGTON, DC – Amid cautious optimism about the GOP’s prospects at the polls this November, The Ripon Society hosted a breakfast discussion this past Tuesday morning with Kansas Senator Jerry Moran, who serves as Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee and who discussed why he believes it is critical for Republicans to win…

  • February 11, 2014

    February 11, 2014

    “The administration of the government, the enforcement of the laws, must be fair and honest. The laws are not to be administered either in the interest of the poor man or the interest of the rich man. They are simply to be administered justly.” Charleston, SC April 9, 1902

  • Reps. Renacci & Carney Discuss Bipartisan Effort They are Leading in the House to Create Jobs

    Reps. Renacci & Carney Discuss Bipartisan Effort They are Leading in the House to Create Jobs

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Ripon Society hosted a breakfast discussion yesterday morning with Republican Rep. Jim Renacci (OH-16) and Democratic Rep. John Carney (DE-AL), who spoke about the bipartisan working group they are leading and their mutual interest in finding common ground on some of the most pressing challenges facing America, including job creation.

  • February 4, 2014

    February 4, 2014

    “The only effective way to help any man is to help him to help himself.” Oxford University June 7, 1910

  • January 28, 2014

    January 28, 2014

    “I have a very strong feeling that it is a president’s duty to get on with Congress if he possibly can, and that it is a reflection upon him if he and Congress come to a complete break.” Letter to Theodore Roosevelt Jr. January 31, 1909

  • January 21, 2014

    January 21, 2014

    “In the long run, the man who makes a substantial contribution toward uplifting any part of the community has helped to uplift all of the community.” Preface to Booker T. Washington August 28, 1916

  • January 14, 2014

    January 14, 2014

    “The noblest of all forms of government is self-government; but it is also the most difficult.” Fifth Annual Message to Congress December 5, 1905

  • January 7, 2014

    January 7, 2014

    “In dealing with all these social problems, with the intimate relations of the family, with wealth in private use and business use, with labor, with poverty, the one prime necessity is to remember that, though hardness of heart is a great evil, it is no greater an evil than softness of head.” Oxford University June…

  • December 17, 2013

    December 17, 2013

    “There is one quality which perhaps, strictly speaking, is as much intellectual as moral, but which is too often wholly lacking in men of high intellectual ability, and without which real character cannot exist – namely, the fundamental gift of commonsense.” The Outlook November 8, 1913