Category: News

  • Ripon Forum Marks the 20th Anniversary of the Contract with America

    Ripon Forum Marks the 20th Anniversary of the Contract with America

    WASHINGTON, DC – With the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Contract with America occurring this coming Saturday, the latest edition of The Ripon Forum marks the occasion by looking at the genesis of the document, the power of its positive message, and the model that it continues to provide Republicans today. “Twenty years…

  • Chambliss & Rogers Say U.S. Must Take Fight to the Terrorists

    Chambliss & Rogers Say U.S. Must Take Fight to the Terrorists

    WASHINGTON, DC – With America marking the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, The Ripon Society held a breakfast discussion yesterday morning looking at the continuing threat posed by terrorist groups and U.S. security in a volatile world. The discussion featured two of the leading experts on intelligence and national security issues on Capitol…

  • “This is the great opportunity for the American middle class.”

    “This is the great opportunity for the American middle class.”

    WASHINGTON, DC – As negotiations between the 12 Pacific Rim nations that form the Trans-Pacific Partnership continue, The Ripon Society held a breakfast discussion Wednesday morning focusing on the impact that this strategic trade alliance would have for both the U.S. and Australian economies alike.

  • Reps. Denham & Valadao Join Majority Leader-elect McCarthy in Push for Stronger Border Security

    Reps. Denham & Valadao Join Majority Leader-elect McCarthy in Push for Stronger Border Security

    WASHINGTON, DC – When he officially takes over as House Majority Leader at the end of this month, Congressman Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) will become responsible for managing the agenda, schedule and operation of the lower chamber on Capitol Hill.

  • Ripon Society Honors Rep. Tom Petri

    Ripon Society Honors Rep. Tom Petri

    WASHINGTON, DC – The Ripon Society honored one of its founders, Wisconsin Rep. Tom Petri, at a July 17th breakfast discussion in Washington, DC. Petri helped establish the organization while a student at Harvard in 1962.

  • “We’ve got to make the investments we need for our infrastructure.”

    “We’ve got to make the investments we need for our infrastructure.”

    WASHINGTON, DC – The Ripon Society hosted a breakfast discussion yesterday morning with the leaders of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, who talked about the road ahead in transportation policy and why it is so important for Congress and the President to reach agreement on a long-term plan to modernize the crumbling roads…

  • Ripon Society Mourns the Passing of Howard Baker

    Ripon Society Mourns the Passing of Howard Baker

    “Washington lost one of its wise men today in Howard Baker. He was a true statesman and a symbol of what Americans look for in their elected leaders.”

  • “The Special Relationship”

    “The Special Relationship”

    WASHINGTON, DC – With the world marking the 70th anniversary of D-Day earlier this month, The Ripon Society held a breakfast discussion this past Friday morning focusing on the “special relationship” between the United States and Great Britain and why the relationship between the two longtime allies remains more important than ever today.

  • Ayotte Pushes for a Strong Foreign Policy in Speech to The Ripon Society

    Ayotte Pushes for a Strong Foreign Policy in Speech to The Ripon Society

    WASHINGTON, DC – New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte appeared before a breakfast meeting of The Ripon Society this past Tuesday morning to discuss not only how current White House detainment policy toward terrorists is jeopardizing national security, but why this year’s election is critical to making the Senate more productive next year.

  • Smith Makes the Case for Space

    Smith Makes the Case for Space

    WASHINGTON, DC – “I don’t know whether space is the last frontier or not. But I certainly believe it is the next frontier.”

  • “The truth is it’s happening in our own backyards.”

    “The truth is it’s happening in our own backyards.”

    WASHINGTON, DC – The Chairman of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Resources, Rep. Dave Reichert (WA-8), appeared before a breakfast meeting of The Ripon Society this past Thursday morning to discuss the growing epidemic of human trafficking and the effort in Congress to fight this problem here at home.

  • McCain Makes the Case for Immigration Reform

    McCain Makes the Case for Immigration Reform

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Arizona Senator John McCain appeared before a breakfast meeting of The Ripon Society yesterday morning, delivering a speech in which he not only made the case for immigration reform in America, but called on Congress – and specifically, the House of Representatives — to move forward with a bill.