“In any republic courage is a prime necessity for the average citizen.”
Speech in Cambridge, MA, February 23, 1907
“In any republic courage is a prime necessity for the average citizen.”
Speech in Cambridge, MA, February 23, 1907
“Each of us has not only his duty to himself, his family, and his neighbors, but to his duty to the State and to the nation.”
Speech in Colorado Springs, CO, August 2, 1901
“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”
Speech in Syracuse, NY, September 7, 1903
“The greatest service this nation can render to righteousness is to behave with scrupulous justice to other nations.”
September 9, 1911
“In achieving good government the fundamental factor must be the character of the average citizen.”
Speech in Antietam, MD
September 17, 1903
“There is not a man of us here who does not at times need a helping hand to be stretched out to him, and then shame upon him who will not stretch out the helping hand to his brother.”
Speech in Pasadena, CA
May 8, 1903
“The government is us; we are the government, you and I.”
Speech in Asheville, NC
September 9, 1902
“A self respecting man must insist on his rights; otherwise he neither deserves nor receives the respect of others.”
Ladies Home Journal
November 1916
“I like the Russian people, but I abhor the Russian system of government and I cannot trust the word of those at the head.”
Letter to Sir George Otto Trevelyan
May 13, 1905
“Patriotism should be an integral part of our every feeling at all times.”
Fear God and Take Your Own Part
“Neither our national nor our local civic life can be what it should unless it is marked by the fellow-feeling, the mutual kindness, the mutual respect, the sense of common duties, and common interests.”
January 1900
“Our constant aim is to do justice to every man, and to treat each man as by his own actions he shows that he deserves to be treated.”
Speech in Oyster Bay, NY,
August 18, 1906
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