“We need absolute honesty in public life; and we shall not get it until we remember that truth-telling must go hand in hand with it.”
May 12, 1900
“We need absolute honesty in public life; and we shall not get it until we remember that truth-telling must go hand in hand with it.”
May 12, 1900
“In the long run, the man who makes a substantial contribution toward uplifting any part of the community has helped to uplift all of the community.”
Preface to Booker T. Washington
August 28, 1916
“The one great reason for our having succeeded as no other people ever has, is to be found in that common sense which has enabled us to preserve the largest possible individual freedom.”
Life of Gouverneur Morris
“There is none which compares in importance with the great central task of leaving this land even a better land for our descendants than it is for us.”
Speech in Osawatomie, KS
August 31, 1910
“The object of government is the welfare of the people.”
Speech in Chicago
April 10, 1899
“We should discourage driving property out of the state by unwise taxation, or levying a tax which is in effect largely a tax upon honesty.”
Annual message to the Legislature
January 2, 1899
“The first requisite for the welfare of any community is justice.”
February 25, 1911
“A strong and wise people will study its own failures no less than its triumphs, for there is wisdom to be learned from the study of both.”
Sixth Annual Message in Washington
December 3, 1906
“The republic cannot stand if honesty and decency do not prevail alike in public and private life.”
Speech in Galena, IL
April 27, 1900
“Happiness cannot come to any man capable of enjoying true happiness unless it comes as the sequel to duty well and honestly done.”
Speech in Groton, Massachusetts
May 24, 1904
“A man is worthless unless he has in him a lofty devotion to an ideal.”
The Outlook
July 28, 1900
“If as a nation we are split into warring camps, if we teach our citizens not to look upon one another as brothers but as enemies divided by the hatred of creed for creed, surely we shall fail.”
Speech in New York City, October 12, 1915
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