“The one great reason for our having succeeded as no other people ever has, is to be found in that common sense which has enabled us to preserve the largest possible individual freedom.”
Life of Gouverneur Morris
“The one great reason for our having succeeded as no other people ever has, is to be found in that common sense which has enabled us to preserve the largest possible individual freedom.”
Life of Gouverneur Morris
“It is the doer of deeds who actually counts in the battle for life, and not the man who looks on and says how the fight ought to be fought.”
Atlantic Monthly
August, 1894
“We must act with justice and broad generosity and charity toward one another and toward all men if we are to make this Republic what it must and shall be made.”
Speech in New York City
February 12, 1913
“No man can get power without at the same time acquiring the duty of being held to a rigid accountability for his use of that power.”
Speech in Madison, WI
April 15, 1911
“No amount of intelligence and no amount of energy will save a nation which is not honest, and no government can ever be a permanent success if administered in accordance with base ideals.”
American Ideals
“Justice is based upon law and order, and without law and order there can be no justice.”
February 25, 1911
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”
Speech in Chicago, IL
April 10, 1899
“To legislate means to make laws, not merely to talk about them.”
The Forum
December 1895
“It is eminently fitting that once a year our people should set apart a day for praise and thanksgiving to the Giver of Good.”
November 2, 1905
“Courtesy is as much the mark of a gentleman as courage.”
Outlook Magazine
April 1, 1911
“Under our form of government voting is not merely a right but a duty.”
Speech in Washington
December 1907
“Any political movement directed against any body of our fellow citizens because of their religious creed is a grave offense against American principles and American institutions.”
Speech in New York City
October 12, 1915
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