“Nothing worth gaining is ever gained without effort.”
Speech in Buffalo, NY
January 26, 1893
“Nothing worth gaining is ever gained without effort.”
Speech in Buffalo, NY
January 26, 1893
“All people alive to the nation’s need should join together to work for the moral, spiritual, and physical welfare of the children in all parts of our land.”
Speech at Jamestown Exposition
June 10, 1907
“Treaties must never be recklessly made.”
America and the World War, 1915
“All individuals, rich or poor, private or corporate, must be subject to the law of the land.”
Outlook Magazine
September 27, 1902
“The men who do the great work for the nation are the men who, for a money payment infinitely less than what they would earn in civil life, face terrible risk and endure indescribable hardship and fatigue and misery at the front.”
Metropolitan Magazine
November 1918
“The only permanently efficient defensive arm is the one which can act offensively.”
America and The World War
March 1886
“No country will accomplish very much for the world at large unless it elevates itself.”
The Bachelor of Arts
March 1886
“No treaties, whether between civilized nations or not, can ever be regarded as binding in perpetuity; with changing conditions, circumstances may arise which render it not only expedient, but imperative and honorable to abrogate them.”
The Winning of the West
“No man is above the law and no man is below it.”
Third Annual Message
December 7, 1903
“In the seething turmoil of the history of humanity, certain nations stand out as possessing a peculiar power or charm, some special gift of beauty or wisdom of strength, which puts them among the immortals, which makes them rank forever with the leaders of mankind. France is one of these nations.”
Speech at the Sorbonne
April 23, 1910
“The surest way to destroy what measure of prosperity he may have is to paralyze industry and the well-being of those men who have achieved success.”
Review of Reviews
January 1897
“We abhor brutality and wrongdoing, whether exhibited by nations or by individuals.”
September 9, 1911
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