• “Public servants must be given ample power to enable them to do their work. Remember that. If you tie the hands of a public servant so that he cannot do ill, you tie his hands so that he cannot do well … Leave his hands free. Give him the chance to do the job, and turn him out if he does not do the job well.”

    Los Angeles, California,
    March 21, 1911

    October 16, 2013

  • “The absolute prerequisite for successful self-government in any people is the power of self-restraint which refuses to follow either the wild-eyed extremists of radicalism or the dull-eyed extremists of reaction. Either set of extremists will wreck the nation.”

    Kansas City Star,
    September 12, 1918

    October 8, 2013

  • “Remember what a legislative body is. It is a body whose first duty is to act, not to talk. The talking comes in merely as an adjunct to the acting.”

    New York City
    March 6, 1891

    October 1, 2013

  • “The really valuable – the invaluable – reform is that which in actual practice works.”

    May 1917

    September 24, 2013

  • “Taken as a whole there are no better citizens of this country than the officers and enlisted men of our navy.”

    The Outlook
    January 7, 1911

    Wisdom from Our 26th President – September 17, 2013

  • “Scant attention is paid to the weakling or the coward who babbles of peace; but due heed is given to the strong man with sword girt on thigh who preaches peace, not from ignoble motives, not from fear or distrust of his own power, but from a deep sense of moral obligation.”

    The Independent
    December 21, 1899

    Wisdom From Our 26th President – September 10, 2013

  • “World peace must rest on the willingness of nations with courage, cool foresight, and readiness for self-sacrifice to defend the fabric of international law. No nation can help in securing an organized, peaceful, and justice-doing world community until it is willing to run risks and make efforts in order to secure and maintain such a community.”

    Fear God and Take Your Own Part

    Wisdom From Our 26th President – September 3, 2013

  • “This is a new nation, based on a mighty continent, of boundless possibilities.”

    The Foes of Our Own Household

    WISDOM FROM OUR 26TH PRESIDENT –August 20, 2013

  • “Free speech, exercised both individually and through a free press, is a necessity in any country where the people are themselves free.”

    Kansas City Star
    May 7, 1918

    August 6, 2013

  • “Don’t be content with mere effervescent denunciation of one thing or another. Evil can’t be done away with through one spasm of virtue.”

    Address to the City Club of New York
    May 9, 1899

    WISDOM FROM OUR 26TH PRESIDENT – July 30, 2013

  • “The importance of a promise lies not in making it, but in keeping it.”

    An Autobiography

    July 23, 2013

  • “Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time, and if a country lets the time for wise action pass, it may bitterly repent when a generation later it strives under disheartening difficulties to do what could have been done so easily if attempted at the right moment.”

    Letter to Edward Grey
    November 15, 1913

    WISDOM FROM OUR 26TH PRESIDENT – July 17, 2013