Press Releases

  • “I refuse to accept the view that…the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality.”

    On Dec. 10, 1964, Martin Luther King, Jr. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway. His acceptance speech focused on the same themes of peace and justice that defined his life, and is worth recalling as America honors his memory.

  • Ripon Society Holds Breakfast Discussion with Chairman Greg Walden and 16 New Members of the House

    WASHINGTON, DC – January, 9, 2015 — The Ripon Society hosted a breakfast discussion yesterday morning with U.S. Rep. Greg Walden (OR-2) and 16 new Members of the House of Representatives. The discussion was moderated by Walden, who talked about his role as Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee and introduced each of the…

  • TRUST IN GOVERNMENT: Latest Ripon Forum looks at why it’s important, and what Republicans can do to restore it in 2015

    WASHINGTON, DC – December 11, 2014 — With Republicans set to take control of Congress in January, the latest edition of The Ripon Forum looks at what may be one of the most daunting challenges they will confront — namely, the fact that the American people have lost faith in Washington and the ability of…

  • Statement of Jim Conzelman on the passing of The Honorable Bill Frenzel

    “If there are wise men left in Washington, then Bill Frenzel was most assuredly one of them. He was both a scholar and a statesman who served his country in many important ways.”

  • Ripon Society Hosts Election Preview with Veteran Strategists

    WASHINGTON, DC – With the mid-terms less than a week away, The Ripon Society held a luncheon discussion yesterday afternoon with two veteran campaign strategists, who previewed the upcoming election and shared their thoughts on some of the key House and Senate races around the country. The strategists were Guy Harrison and Rob Jesmer. Harrison…

  • Camp discusses the urgent need for tax reform and reflects on his time in office

    WASHINGTON, DC – Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp (MI-4) spoke to a breakfast meeting of The Ripon Society yesterday morning, discussing, among other topics, the comprehensive tax reform plan he introduced earlier this year and how the GOP’s pro-growth policies during this period of continuing economic uncertainty will help the party…

  • Ripon Society Hosts Discussion with Key Majority Leader Staff

    WASHINGTON, DC – The Ripon Society held a luncheon discussion yesterday afternoon with key staff members of the House Majority Leader’s Office, who, among other topics, discussed the legislative achievements of the GOP Majority in the 113th Congress and the prospects that Congress will return for a Lame Duck Session at the end of the…

  • Portman Expresses Optimism About GOP Prospects this Fall

    WASHINGTON, DC – Ohio Senator Rob Portman appeared before a breakfast meeting of The Ripon Society yesterday morning, delivering a speech in which he expressed optimism that Republicans will win control of the Senate in November, and said that the party has “the best slate of candidates that I have seen in modern times.” “I…

  • Ripon Forum Marks the 20th Anniversary of the Contract with America

    WASHINGTON, DC – With the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Contract with America occurring this coming Saturday, the latest edition of The Ripon Forum marks the occasion by looking at the genesis of the document, the power of its positive message, and the model that it continues to provide Republicans today. “Twenty years…

  • Chambliss & Rogers Say U.S. Must Take Fight to the Terrorists

    WASHINGTON, DC – With America marking the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, The Ripon Society held a breakfast discussion yesterday morning looking at the continuing threat posed by terrorist groups and U.S. security in a volatile world. The discussion featured two of the leading experts on intelligence and national security issues on Capitol…

  • “This is the great opportunity for the American middle class.”

    WASHINGTON, DC – As negotiations between the 12 Pacific Rim nations that form the Trans-Pacific Partnership continue, The Ripon Society held a breakfast discussion Wednesday morning focusing on the impact that this strategic trade alliance would have for both the U.S. and Australian economies alike.

  • Reps. Denham & Valadao Join Majority Leader-elect McCarthy in Push for Stronger Border Security

    WASHINGTON, DC – When he officially takes over as House Majority Leader at the end of this month, Congressman Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) will become responsible for managing the agenda, schedule and operation of the lower chamber on Capitol Hill.