
Vol. 56, No. 3

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In this edition

The latest edition of The Ripon Forum examines the effort to combat fake news in America and what the appropriate role of the federal government should be.

To Confront the Global Food Crisis, Quiet American Diplomacy Will No Longer Do

We are now in the midst of the biggest food crisis the world has seen in decades. The U.S. has led the response to this crisis. Now, it must convince other countries to do more, as well.

How Ukraine is Impacting the Transatlantic Relationship

Russia’s war in Ukraine is transforming Europe’s neglect of energy and defense policies into a dangerous wedge dividing the United States from the European Union.

Building Trust and Enhancing Performance

To rebuild the public’s faith in government, those who run government need to take on the challenges people care about in a way that gets results and makes a difference in their lives.

What Does It Mean to Be a Centrist Today?

America needs Republicans to provide a responsible alternative to the Democrats. GOP centrists can meet this need by advancing an alternative different than the radical left and authoritarian right.

Progressive Conservatism: How Republicans Will Become America’s Natural Governing Party

With the GOP well positioned to regain control of the House and possibly the Senate this November, a discussion about a governing philosophy to guide the party’s course in the coming years.

Fake News and the Federal Government: Should Washington Step In or Step Aside?

Today, misinformation and its malicious sibling, disinformation, permeate U.S. society so thoroughly that citizens have no way of knowing which information is accurate.

Where Bipartisan Opportunities Exist for Tech Reform

While Congress debates partisan tech agendas, the EU is passing laws that put them in the driver’s seat of data privacy and how our tech companies operate abroad. It’s time for both parties to put politics aside.

Protecting Our Kids in the Age of Social Media

There is a mental health crisis amongst America’s youth which many place squarely on the shoulders of technology in general, and social media in particular. It’s an easy enough correlation to make.

The First Amendment Protects Freedom of Speech, Not Your Right To Someone Else’s Megaphone

To Protect Free Speech, Social Media Platforms Must Stop their Overreach

Ripon Profile of Stephanie Bice

The Representative of Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District discusses an issue facing American that is not getting enough attention and outlines the biggest challenges facing her District.

Ripon Profile of Stephanie Bice

Name: Stephanie Bice

Occupation: Freshman member of the 117th Congress and Representative for Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District, which includes the Oklahoma City metro area. Elected by my peers to serve as the first female Freshman GOP Class President

Previous positions held: Served 6 years in the Oklahoma State Senate, including Chairman of the Finance Committee, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Transportation & General Government, Vice Chair of Business & Commerce, and Assistant Majority Floor Leader

Individual(s) who inspired me as a child: My grandfather. Harold Dean VanHooser, whose Navy nickname was “Scooter”, loved to travel, made sure I knew God, and had a great sense of humor. As the oldest grandchild, I had a special bond with him — he was loving, kind, and lived life to the fullest.

Issue facing America that is not getting enough attention: Mental health for children. I am concerned about the long-term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on our youth. With so much isolation, particularly for kids, during the first 18 months of the pandemic, I fear we are headed for a mental health crisis in this country that we are not preparing for. Growing mental health services for children in schools, training for future mental health professionals and funding for treatment programs will be imperative as we try to tackle the growing number of children who are experiencing mental health challenges.

Challenge facing your District you are working hard to address: The energy industry accounts for almost 25% of all state revenues for Oklahoma, but the current administration has an anti-fossil fuel position which is affecting companies large and small across my state. Whether it is cancelling pipeline expansion projects, revoking lease permits, or enacting anti-fossil fuel environmental policies, Biden is more focused on punishing the industry than trying to find ways to work together to address today’s energy needs by utilizing an all-of-the-above energy approach. Oklahoma is the third largest producer of natural gas and fourth largest of oil in the country and we know how to produce clean, affordable energy, which will lower prices at the pump and at the grocery store.

Finish this sentence: “If I could change one thing about American politics, it would be…”: The distrust the public has of politicians. Although you may not agree with a particular member’s political ideology, most elected officials I have encountered over the years have a genuine desire to serve their communities with honesty and integrity. It is fascinating to me that in today’s modern era, Americans have more transparency of government than any time in our nation’s history, but they are more distrusting of government than ever before. I hope to find ways to restore confidence and faith of our elected leaders.