
Vol. 58, No. 1

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In this edition

With the United States facing more global threats than perhaps at any time since the end of World War II, The Ripon Forum caught up with House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul to get his read on these threats and the steps he believes Congress should take to confront them.

Protecting Our Kids from Social Media

Online platforms must be responsible for the content provided to our youth and tools must be in place to prevent harm.

The Role of NASA in the Age of Elon Musk

The private sector is playing an increasingly important role in space exploration. But the federal government still has a mission to perform, as well.

Conservatives Must Seize the Opportunity to Lead on Education. Here’s How…

Democrats have fumbled their lead on education. But outside of school choice, Republicans have put forward few solutions to fill the policy vacuum.

Everyday Freedom: Designing the Framework for a Flourishing Society

In his latest book, good government expert Philip Howard argues that America is facing a bigger problem than mere bureaucratic dysfunction.

The Obesity Epidemic: What Americans Can Do

What will it take to solve the obesity crisis — increased personal responsibility or policy, systems, and environmental changes?

The Illegal Immigration Election

The crisis at the southern border has given the OP an opportunity to show they can make a difference. Will they wait until next year to do so?


If it’s hard keeping up with the Foreign Affairs Chairman, it’s because the world is on fire, and he’s trying to keep things from burning out of control.

Russia’s Crimean Gambit: Ten Years after the Invasion

Hindsight is 20/20, but the warning signs were visible from the start of Ukraine’s independence that Russia was not reconciled to this realignment.

NATO At 75: Can Europe Defend Itself Without U.S. Support?

America’s transatlantic allies have responded to recent threats with unity and a recommitment to defense. But can they go it alone?

The Prospects for Peace in Ukraine

Two years into the war between Ukraine and Russia, the chance of a negotiated settlement appear as elusive as the declaration of victory by either side.

Obamacare Has Been a Success, and It’s Just the Start

In the nearly 14 years since the Affordable Care Act was passed, we’ve seen dozens of legislative attempts to repeal it—all to no avail.

Obamacare has Three Key Failings and Needs To be Reformed

To fix Obamacare, it’s important to first take stock of its three key failings.

Ripon Profile of Lori Chavez-DeRemer

Lori Chavez-DeRemer explains why she doesn’t view compromise as a dirty word.

In this edition

With the United States facing more global threats than perhaps at any time since the end of World War II, The Ripon Forum caught up with House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul to get his read on these threats and the steps he believes Congress should take to confront them.

McCaul has been on the move over the past year, leading bipartisan delegations to Ukraine, Taiwan, and the Middle East to better understand the challenge that each of these volatile hotspots presents.  Last month, he also led a delegation to America’s southern border to get a better sense of the crisis unfolding there.  He is blunt in his assessment of the challenges facing America at home and around the globe.

“The world is on fire right now,” McCaul stated, “and it’s time to recommit to a strong foreign policy that stands by our principles, ensures the safety of our citizens, and protects our jobs.”

McCaul was also blunt in his assessment of the threat posed by Russia, and why U.S. leadership is so important in the months ahead.  “The implications of a Putin victory would reach far beyond Ukraine’s borders,”  he said.  “Following the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, a U.S. decision to abandon Ukraine will make America less safe, convey weakness to our enemies, and make U.S. partners doubt our commitment.”

It has been two years since Russian forces invaded Ukraine.  It’s also been 10 years since Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea.  William Pomeranz of the Kennan Institute examines both of these milestones in the context of history, and what both could mean for the future.  “Opportunities were clearly lost to confront Russia for its aggression,” Pomeranz writes. “Going forward, however, we must understand that we are in a whole new world after Russia’s annexation of Ukrainian territory.  We long thought imperialism was over after World War I and World War II, but it will take more than Cold War deterrence to confront Russia’s growing imperial appetites.”

The war in Ukraine has also cast new light on the importance of NATO and Europe’s ability to defend itself.  According to Hans Binnendijk of the Atlantic Council, while improvements have been made in Europe’s defensive capabilities, U.S. assistance will be critical for the foreseeable future.  “The threats facing Europe are more dangerous now than at any time since the end of the Cold War,” Binnendijk writes.  “With American leadership, the transatlantic allies have responded to those varied threats  — especially Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine — with unity and a recommitment to defense. But Europe is not yet capable of meeting these threats alone.”

Mary Glantz of the U.S. Institute of Peace examines the prospects for peace in Ukraine and finds little cause for hope.  “The absence of a stalemate (or a clear victory by either side) means the prospects of a negotiated peace are slim,” Glantz writes in an essay.  “Russia is loath to quit when it believes victory is just a matter of time.  Ukraine cannot concede because doing so would mean the end of their state and the spread of horrors like those seen in Bucha and the currently occupied territories.”

In other pieces for this latest edition.  U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito looks at the impact of social media on young people and two measures she is supporting to keep our kids safe online.  Former Chairman of the House Science Committee Bob Walker looks at the U.S. space program and the role of NASA in the age of Elon Musk. Rick Hess and Michael McShane of the American Enterprise Institute say its time for conservatives to put forward a plan to improve education that includes more than school choice, and have written a book with ideas to help achieve that goal.  Attorney and good government expert Philip Howard also has a book out about another problem facing America — namely, the “corrosion of American culture.”  I review Howard’s book in these pages.

Dr. Anand Parekh of the Bipartisan Policy Center examines the obesity epidemic in America, and puts forward some recommendations on what Americans can do to confront this crisis head on.  Veteran policy professional Gary Sasse looks at the crisis at our nation’s border and explains why he believes Republicans should move forward with a positive plan to reform our immigration laws this year.

In our debate feature, Center for American Progress scholar Nicole Rapfogel and former Trump White House aide Brian Blase present two views of the Affordable Care Act.  And in our latest Ripon Profile, Oregon Congresswoman Lori Chavez-DeRemer discusses her belief in bipartnership and why she doesn’t view compromise as a dirty word.

As always, we hope you enjoy this latest edition of The Ripon Forum, and encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have.

Lou Zickar
Editor of The Ripon Forum