
Vol. 49, No. 2

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In this edition

With the first presidential debate set for August 6th, many Republicans are now wondering whether history will repeat itself again. Will the House and Senate become passive bystanders and watch the political focus shift to the campaign trail? Or will the GOP Majority defy history by shaping the agenda on Capitol Hill? Precedent exists for […]

How Congress Shaped the ’80 Campaign

Ronald Reagan changed the nation’s economic course during the first two years of his presidency, but the seeds of this achievement were rooted in a House member’s bold attempt to broaden Republican appeal at a time when Democrats held solid control of Congress.

What America Wants…

There’s a quiet debate going on in Washington over the role Republicans in Congress should play in the 2016 presidential election. One side argues that Hill Republicans should leave a faint legislative footprint so as not to risk running afoul of the eventual GOP presidential nominee’s agenda. The other side argues that if Hill Republicans […]

How Congress can shape the 2016 campaign…

Just as the tax proposals of Rep. Jack Kemp and Senator Bill Roth contributed to President Reagan’s successful campaign, the current Republican-led Congress has an opportunity to have a significant impact on the 2016 elections with the tax reform effort underway in the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee.

How Congress can shape the 2016 campaign…

America’s position in the world is shifting beneath us. Strategically speaking, we are ceding ground to the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, and to terrorists. All of this has a negative impact on our future. Congress can take some important steps this year to turn back this dangerous trend threatening America’s leadership role in the world.

How Congress can shape the 2016 campaign…

The current Congress is less than a year old, and already it is clear that the new GOP majority will have a tough time passing its agenda, let alone overcoming presidential vetoes to any laws that should happen to pass. Such an unfortunate circumstance does not, however, mean that this Congress cannot have an impact. […]

How Congress can shape the 2016 campaign…

To paraphrase Bill Clinton’s campaign slogan, “It’s the enterprise, stupid.” And not just any enterprises: technology-based, global, and fast growing enterprises are the key. This focus should be the north star of Republican economic policy. Congressional Republicans can play a key role in this by promoting legislation over the next year that a GOP presidential […]

What Every Candidate Should be Asked in 2016

As much work as I’ve done in Washington, DC, Congressmen and Senators can only do so much. I saw from the inside that Washington, DC was never going to fix itself. Instead of remaining in the bureaucratic morass that is the federal government, I thought it was important to work on something that could actually […]

The Roots of Ripon Republicanism

Continuing our year-long commemoration of The Ripon Forum’s 50th anniversary, the former President of The Ripon Society writes about the founding of the Society and how one of the group’s organizing principles was “the advancement of Civil Rights.”

Red Governors in Blue States

Republican governors elected on platforms of economic growth through tax reform are running the economies of three traditionally blue states. Can Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, and Maryland Governor Larry Hogan deliver on their promises?

Ripon Profile of Cory Gardner

In the latest Ripon Profile, the freshman Senator from Colorado discusses the message of the last election and what voters want from Washington, DC. “I think voters around the country are searching for a positive message. They want to hear what your plan is, and they want to hear how you’re going to get it […]

How Congress can shape the 2016 campaign…

Take the Lead in Keeping America Secure
Mike Rogers

America’s position in the world is shifting beneath us.

Strategically speaking, we are ceding ground to the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, and to terrorists. All of this has a negative impact on our future.

Congress can take some important steps this year to turn back this dangerous trend threatening America’s leadership role in the world.

A good start would be an Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) and renewal of the PATRIOT Act to defeat ISIS. ISIS should be confronted with a unified military, diplomatic and legal strategy that does justice to the threat ISIS is: a terrorist organization with territory and an army hell-bent on our destruction.

Strategically speaking, we are ceding ground to the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, and to terrorists.  All of this has a negative impact on our future.

Congress should also reject the proposed nuclear deal with Iran in order to prevent a highly destabilizing nuclear and conventional arms race in the Middle East. The proposed deal with Iran does nothing to stop weaponization or missile development, two of three critical elements needed to become a nuclear armed power. As the world’s most prolific state sponsor of terrorism, I can only imagine the kind of trouble that Iran’s Quds Force would create for the United States and our allies with the security a nuclear umbrella provides.

Unfortunately, Iran is just one player in a greater proliferation problem. The potential for a deal there has sparked nuclear interest from Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. In fact, Saudi Arabia recently entered into a $2 billion, 20 year agreement with South Korea to explore the construction of two nuclear reactors.

The UAE is now questioning whether it wants to continue to abide by the 123 Program and Jordan has entered into a nuclear deal with Russia. These are the real consequences of sliding away from the original objective to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power.

As for China, the U.S. just signed off on selling dual-use nuclear technology to the Chinese that could provide them with quieter ballistic missile submarines, making them harder to track, thus shifting the balance of power. The Chinese are pushing the U.S. and our allies out of the South China Sea, through which 40% of the world’s trade travels. And they have taken aim at America’s dominance of space, upending the previously benign environment by fielding missiles capable of destroying satellites.

Congress can push back on these and other Chinese aggressions through the appropriations and defense authorization process.

Finally, the Chinese and Russians are eating our lunch in cyberspace. Not only are they stealing staggering amounts of intellectual property and sitting on our critical infrastructure and financial services networks, they are working to create a new Internet – one that they control. These two authoritarian nations have formally agreed not to hack each other and to cooperate on technology that can stifle dissent and oppression against their own people.

President Obama’s recent Executive Order that would create a sanctions regimen against foreign hackers is an important start, but much more must be done on cybersecurity. Creating instantaneous, voluntary sharing of malicious code between the government and private sector is a critical first step in protecting this nation’s lifeblood: private industry. Right now the government is legally unable to notify companies of impending attacks or malicious code and programs sent to infiltrate their networks. Legislation passed in the House and pending in the Senate would create such a common sense program. This is an easy fix that will save intellectual property and the American jobs that come with it.

Congress can take some important steps this year to turn back this dangerous trend threatening America’s leadership role in the world.

Congress also needs to weigh in on Chinese and Russian efforts to manipulate control of the Internet at the United Nations. They are doing this to improve their position – at our expense.

Congress can take the lead on each of these important national security priorities this year. Doing so would improve our standing in the world today and provide a better future for the next generation of Americans.

Mike Rogers is the former Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He is currently the host of a nationally-syndicated talk show on Westwood One. He also serves as Honorary Chairman of Americans for Peace, Prosperity and Security, and as a Distinguished Fellow at the Hudson Institute.