Press Releases

  • McCarthy Touts Historic GOP Recruiting Class in Speech Before The Ripon Society

    Notes that Republicans have 430 House candidates on the ballot in 2010 – the most ever in GOP history, and the most ever for either party in over 30 years WASHINGTON, D.C. – One of the architects of the GOP’s drive to retake the House of Representatives appeared before a luncheon meeting of The Ripon…

  • “The Perfect Storm”

    Ripon Forum Looks at Coming Fiscal Crisis Facing America with Essays by Douglas Holtz-Eakin, Maya MacGuineas & Senator Mike Enzi Latest edition also examines why Chris Christie has become the “Most Important Governor to Watch,” and why moderate Republicans continue to have an image problem when it comes to fiscal resolve WASHINGTON, DC – Rising debt.…

  • Cantor Talks Politics and Policy in Speech Before Ripon Society

    Discusses Republican efforts to broaden party’s appeal, win control of the House, and oppose new deficit spending being proposed by the Democrats this year face WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Republican Whip Eric Cantor talked politics and policy before The Ripon Society this morning, delivering a speech in which he spoke about GOP efforts to broaden…

  • Gregg Calls Greek Meltdown a “Precursor” for U.S. Budgetary Situation

    Also says Obama Administration’s decision to “radically grow the size of government” is making the situation worse WASHINGTON, DC – In a speech this morning to The Ripon Society, New Hampshire Senator and longtime fiscal hawk Judd Gregg stated the Greek debt crisis is a “precursor” to the budgetary situation facing the United States, and…

  • Bob Bennett Predicts Victory for Republicans this Fall

    But also warns that GOP will lose majority if it relies on ideology and slogans rather than offering ideas and solutions to the challenges Americans currently face WASHINGTON, D.C. – Utah Senator Bob Bennett predicted this morning that the GOP will win control of the House of Representatives in the mid-term elections this November. But…

  • Mike Castle Promotes Bill Aimed At Curbing Partisanship in Washington

    Democrat John Tanner, former Speaker Dennis Hastert join Delaware Congressman at Ripon Society breakfast WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a speech this morning to the centrist Republican policy group, The Ripon Society, Delaware Congressman Mike Castle promoted legislation he has co-authored that would reform the way congressional districts around the country are apportioned and, in the process,…

  • LeMieux Discusses Growth of Government and Oil Spill in Speech to Ripon Society

    Calls Administration’s response to spill “pathetic” WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator George LeMieux (FL) appeared before The Ripon Society this morning, giving a speech that was centered around two different but important topics – the growth of government and the oil spill in the Gulf. “I came here in September of 2009,” LeMieux stated, referring…

  • NY Times Columnist David Brooks Addresses Ripon Society

    Discusses “ancient Republican tradition” of limited, but energetic, government WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a speech last week before The Ripon Society, New York Times columnist David Brooks discussed what he called an “ancient Republican tradition” in American politics – the tradition of Republicans standing for a limited, but energetic, government. “To me,” Brooks stated, “there are two…

  • Ripon Society Expands Honorary Congressional Advisory Board

    Also announces new advisory board of former House and Senate Members WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Ripon Society announced today that it has expanded its Honorary Congressional Advisory Board for 2010. This year, the Congressional Advisory Board includes a total of 50 Members of Congress.  This is an increase from 2009, when the Board consisted of 24 members. …

  • Has Washington lost its sense of urgency in the fight against terrorism?

    Ripon Forum Looks at State of Homeland Security in Spring 2010 Edition Latest edition also focuses on November mid-term elections and the looming pension crisis facing America WASHINGTON, DC – The Ripon Forum looks at the state of homeland security in its Spring 2010 edition, asking a question that, nearly a decade after 9/11, should concern all Americans…

  • **MEDIA ADVISORY** Preventing the Next Bailout

    Ripon Society to Hold Bully Pulpit Policy Conference on Looming Pension Crisis Next Thursday, April 29th, at 11:30 Speakers include Sen. Johnny Isakson, Rep. John Kline and Rep. Pat Tiberi WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Ripon Society will hold a “Bully Pulpit” Policy Conference nextThursday, April 29, 2010, focusing on the next major financial crisis looming on the…

  • In the Spirit of Teddy Roosevelt, President of The Ripon Society Rescues a Duck

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — In the spirit of the organization’s inspirational godfather, The Ripon Society’s President today rescued a duck – or duckling in this case – that had wandered out onto Massachusetts Avenue in the middle of rush hour traffic. “I was walking to work this morning and spotted it sitting literally in the middle of…