Press Releases

  • Crist Preaches Fiscal Discipline in Speech before The Ripon Society

    Also declares that lack of civility in politics is “eroding the fabric of our country” WASHINGTON, DC – Pointing to the fact that “families all across America are doing more with less,” Florida Governor Charlie Crist stated today that it was time for the federal government to follow suit and live within its means. Crist…

  • U.S. Senator and NRSC Chairman John Cornyn Speaks to The Ripon Society

    WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator and National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn (TX) spoke to The Ripon Society this morning about the November mid-term elections and the legislative agenda this year on Capitol Hill. In his remarks, Cornyn noted that “the roots of [The Ripon Society] go back a long way in trying to help…

  • Ryan Calls Obama Agenda “Bismarckian”

    “Europe is ahead of us in being a fiscal train wreck. But we’re not that far behind.” WASHINGTON, DC – In a speech this morning to The Ripon Society, House budget hawk Paul Ryan (WI-1) characterized the agenda being pursued by President Obama and his Democratic allies as being “Bismarckian,” saying that it has the potential to…

  • Boehner Scoffs at President’s Purported Pivot to the Center

    Also reaffirms GOP plan to develop positive agenda of “better solutions” that people can “put their arms around and believe in” WASHINGTON, DC – In a speech today to The Ripon Society, House Republican Leader John Boehner expressed skepticism that the Democrats would reverse their hard-left policy push and turn toward the center in the wake of…


    With essays by former Congressman Mike Oxley on the potential for a GOP comeback in Ohio and Contract with America strategist Joe Gaylord on whether 2010 will be a replay of 1994 WASHINGTON, DC – The latest edition of The Ripon Forum looks at “The New Horizon” forthe Republican Party, with an essay by former Ohio Congressman Mike…

  • People

    By Mike Magner JIM CONZELMAN RIPON PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER -Photo by Marty LaVor At a time when many moderate Republicans are back on their heels, the new president and CEO of the Ripon Society is seeing resurgence in the 47-year-old, centrist GOP organization. “People are looking for something,” said Jim Conzelman, who took…

  • Statement by Lou Zickar, editor of The Ripon Forum, on yesterday’s results:

    “This is the best day Republicans have had since the 2004 election, not just because the party picked up two governorships that had previously been in Democratic hands, but because it reaffirmed that the path back to power is found by turning toward the center, rather than veering to the right. “Just as important, Bob…

  • Ripon Society Names Capitol Hill Veteran James Conzelman as its New President and Chief Executive Officer

    WASHINGTON, DC — The Ripon Society announced today that Capitol Hill veteran James K. Conzelman has been named the new President and Chief Executive Officer of the centrist Republican public policy organization. “I’ve known Jim for a long time, and we couldn’t be happier to have him on board,” stated former Congressman Bill Frenzel, the Chairman…

  • Ripon Society Expresses Condolences on the Passing of Senator Edward M. Kennedy

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — The members of the Ripon Society today expressed their condolences on the passing of Massachusetts Senator Edward M. Kennedy.  “We may not have agreed with Senator Kennedy on every issue,” stated former Congressman Bill Frenzel, the Chairman Emeritus of the Ripon Society, “but we respected his intellect and appreciated his willingness to work across the aisle…

  • Jack Kemp’s Real Legacy

    By Bill McKenzie Back in 1989, the group I was working for in Washington held a fundraiser where Jack Kemp and Tom Kean were the keynote speakers. Kean, who had been New Jersey’s governor, and our group, the Ripon Society, were in the liberal wing of the Republican Party. Kemp, of course, was a product of…

  • Ripon Forum Archives Now Posted Online

    Answers age-old question: what do Richard Nixon, Dan Rather and Chuck Norris have in common? WASHINGTON, DC — Question:  What do Richard Nixon, Dan Rather, and Chuck Norris have in common?  Answer:  They have all written for The Ripon Forum. Now, their essays, along with the essays of other individuals who have written for the centrist Republican journal of thought…

  • Ripon Society Announces New Staff Assignments

    Ellie Thompson, Meredith Freed and Alli Brennan of the Ripon Society. WASHINGTON, DC — The Ripon Society today announced new assignments for three members of its staff. Meredith Freed is now the Deputy Editor of The Ripon Forum, the Society’s flagship journal of political thought and opinion.  Freed has been with the organization for two years. …