
Vol. 53, No. 6

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In this edition

To mark the 30-year anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall, this edition of the Ripon Forum not only looks back at this historic event, but examines the state of democracy around the world today.

The Opioid Crisis: The Next Step in the Fight

We cannot allow the progress made to turn into complacency. That’s why we have highlighted 12 bills that Congress should consider to further our efforts to combat the epidemic of substance use disorder. 

A Beacon of Hope in the Nation’s Capital

An update on the progress of the school voucher program in Washington, DC fifteen years after it was established.

Brexit and the Special Relationship

Whether Britain chooses to throw in its lot with the EU, US, neither, or both, it is likely to struggle unless it recognises the connections, obligations, and compromises that are needed to solve today’s big problems.

The Fall of the Wall, 30 Years Later

A conversation with former Director of National Intelligence and U.S. Ambassador to Germany Dan Coats about the historic events of November 1989 and the state of world affairs today.

The State of Freedom Three Decades After the Fall

To counter freedom’s retreat, we must first recognize that modern authoritarianism is not a passing phenomenon.

Democracy, Dictatorship, and American National Security in the 21st Century

The greatest dangers to America emanate from the ideologically driven strategies of Russia and China to weaken our democracy.

The Wall has Fallen, but Divisions Remain

Three decades after the Berlin Wall came down, Germans in the East and West have remained strangers to each other in many respects.

The Virtue of Quiet at the Cold War’s End

George H.W. Bush did more than anyone else to give peace the calm and quiet it needed to grow.

To Revitalize the Foreign Policy Center, Head to the Heartland

In a series of speeches across the country, Mac Thornberry is arguing that our quality of life is better thanks in no small measure to the American-led, seven-decades-old international system.

How Young Americans View the Fall of the Berlin Wall

For those too young to remember, the fall of the Berlin Wall is just another piece of the past.

The Fury of an Aroused Democracy and the False Furies of Today

Instead of the fury of an aroused democracy, what the world sees today in America is a country consumed by false furies.

Ripon Profile of Mike DeWine

Ohio’s Governor discusses lessons from his upbringing and how to best address the challenges facing Ohioans today.

Ripon Profile of Mike DeWine

Name & occupation:Mike DeWine, Governor of Ohio

First job & lesson(s) learned from it: My first job was working for my father’s seed company in Cedarville, Ohio. My father’s company was something he was extremely proud of and passionate about. This passion radiated off of him, and I grew to also be very proud of my work in family business. My father also taught me what it meant to work towards a stronger future. Even with his declining health, my father continued to plant seeds, knowing that he may not be around in the spring to see them bloom. This mindset is something I still utilize today- ever though we may not be around to see the impact, we still need to work towards implementing those changes.

Book(s) you’ve read that you’re recommending to friends: The Pioneers by David McCullough and Tigerland by Wil Haygood

Top challenge(s) facing Ohioans that you are working hard to address as Governor: Two challenges that are of particular interest to me are kids and the ongoing drug epidemic. We’ve recognized that far too many kids throughout Ohio do not have equal access to resources and services. On my first day in office, I signed an executive order establishing the Governor’s Children’s Initiative to focus on providing early childhood education and intervention programs. Newborn home visits, early childhood education, mental health professions in schools, foster care and drug abuse prevention education are some of the many subject areas the initiative is focusing on.

Another challenge that Ohio is facing is the drug epidemic. Ohio, like many other states, has experienced the repercussions of the drug epidemic, which have touched the lives of all Ohioans. RecoveryOhio, also created on my first day in office, is another initiative to ensure that we as a state act aggressively when addressing this crisis, and invest in the health and well-being of Ohio’s citizens. RecoveryOhio has focused on providing resources to Ohioans impacted by the drug epidemic, reducing the stigma and providing impactful prevention education for Ohio’s children beginning at an early age.

You’ve served in Congress and you’ve served in the Statehouse. What’s the main difference between the two? My job as Governor is an executive job, and my job as a member of Congress was a legislative job. In each job I have found that you can get things done!

Finally, a prediction – what Bowl game will the Buckeyes be playing in at the end of the year? I’m predicting they’ll play in two Bowl games: the College Football Playoffs semifinal game at the Peach Bowl, as well as the College Football Playoff National Championship in New Orleans.