
Vol. 56, No. 4

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In this edition

The latest edition of The Ripon Forum focuses on the effort to improve education in America and how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted learning — and youth mental health — over the past two years.

Making Our Schools Best in Class

Virginia’s Secretary of Education lays out the plan to improve schools and the quality of instruction in the Commonwealth and why a one-size-fits-all approach to education no longer works.

Post-Pandemic Schooling: What Now?

More than two years of school closures, masking, and disruption have been devastating for America’s students. Policymakers need to put politics aside and focus on getting them back on track.

Protecting the Mental Health of Our Students

The earlier we help our youth who are struggling, the more likely we will be able to ensure a productive and prosperous future for the next generation.

Most States Embrace Educational Choice, and More States Should Follow

Support for private school choice is high, with more than 70 percent of school parents supporting education savings account programs, vouchers, and charter schools.

Congress Will Hold Big Tech Accountable and End its Abuse of Power

Big Tech is a destructive force. It actively works against free speech on its platforms by silencing content it disagrees with.

China is Stealing Our Technology and That Will Come to an End

Our export control system has failed to protect U.S. technologies from fueling the rise of our adversaries’ militaries and surveillance regimes.

Border Security Will be a Higher Priority if Republicans Win Back the House

The Biden Administration has abandoned any attempt to secure the Southwest border by ending effective border security policies.

Congress Should Focus on Growing the Economy, not the Bureaucracy

The left’s out-of-control spending has led to sky high consumer prices — devastating workers and families.

House Republicans Have Better Solutions to Address Climate Change and Will Restore U.S. Energy Dominance

The American people cannot continue to bear the burden of Democrats’ failed climate and energy policies.

We Will Commit to a Healthier Future

Increasing choice, competition, and transparency is at the center of House GOP solutions to make health care more affordable.

Ripon Profile of Brian Kemp

The Governor of Georgia talks about his proudest achievements so far during his tenure and the top challenges facing the Peach State.

Ripon Profile of Brian Kemp

Name: Brian P. Kemp

Occupation: Governor of Georgia

Previous positions held: I built my first business, Kemp Development and Construction Company, from the ground up with a pick-up truck and a shovel.  Since then, I’ve been blessed to find success as an entrepreneur, with businesses and investments in banking, farming, timber, manufacturing, and real estate. While I was working to build these businesses, I grew frustrated with government standing in the way of its citizens’ success and ignoring their concerns. That’s why I ran for and served in the Georgia State Senate in the 2000s, then as Secretary of State from 2010-2018: to cut red tape and streamline government.

Top challenge(s) facing Georgians that you are working hard to address: In Georgia, we’re proud to be recognized as the No. 1 state for business, but we know we have to keep chopping to maintain this status. I’ve been particularly focused on bringing economic opportunity and prosperity to every corner of our state. In support of this mission, we’ve made great strides in expansion of broadband internet access to our rural areas by bringing together government at all levels with private partners. We also want these areas to have the resources they need to thrive, so we are working diligently to ensure rural healthcare is reliable and affordable across our state. We’ve increased the number of health insurance carriers, with 98 percent of Georgia’s 159 counties now offering more than one carrier, and we’re investing in bringing more healthcare workers to communities statewide. 

Proudest achievement so far during your tenure as Governor: When I ran for Governor, I committed to putting hardworking Georgians first ahead of the status quo. While we’ve accomplished much in pursuit of this goal, such as raising teacher pay and cutting state income taxes, I’m most proud our state has led the nation in recovering from the economic turmoil caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. In March 2020 we found ourselves facing an uncertain future. As the facts and science evolved, so did our response as we worked to protect both lives and livelihoods. Even in the face of harsh criticism from the media and the left, we pursued a measured reopening that allowed struggling businesses to stay afloat and preserved countless jobs, as evidenced by our all-time low unemployment rate. Now, over two years later, we are well-positioned to continue growing jobs and investments statewide. 

Finally, a prediction – will the Bulldogs be successful in defending their national title this season? Last year’s season was a dream come true for generations of Georgia fans. There will certainly be stiff competition to repeating from familiar foes, but I believe the Dawgs are as strong as ever. Stetson Bennett is an experienced quarterback, and I’m looking forward to seeing maybe the best tight end group ever cause opposing defenders to lose sleep all season. There’s certainly more to replace on defense, but that unit still has multiple first round talents and is more than capable of surprising the doubters. It will be tough, but we know Coach Smart will have this team ready to compete week in and week out on its way to national championship number two.