
Vol. 56, No. 1

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In this edition

Latest Ripon Forum Examines Beijing’s Competitive Strategy & Battle Plan, and the Implications for U.S. Policymakers & Business Leaders in the Years Ahead

Taming Inflation: What Policymakers Can – and Should – Do

Inflation is the top economic issue this year but is largely attributable to Washington’s policy errors in the past year.

Ocean Shipping Carriers: It’s Time to Realign the Interests of Shippers and Ocean Carriers

Supply chain delays and port backlogs impact all of us. It does not matter whether you’re a business owner, consumer, or agriculture producer – we’ve all felt the strain.

Affordable Housing—Wisconsin’s Secret to the Labor Shortage

We are pursuing an agenda that encourages the construction, restoration, and renovation of affordable housing units for job seekers and their families.


The size, scale, and level of coordination between Chinese companies and the Chinese State is not only unprecedented, but is something business leaders and policymakers can no longer ignore.

Speaking with One Voice on China

We must approach U.S. policy towards China in a bipartisan way, remaining focused on the country’s manipulation of global free markets, threats against its neighbors, and ongoing human rights abuses.

America Cannot Turn a Blind Eye to the Plight of the Uyghurs

We must wake up and realize that the Chinese Communist Party has fully committed to leveraging oppression, torture, and genocide to further its geopolitical ambitions and economic prospects

How the U.S. Can Deter Chinese Aggression into the Next Decade

There is an ongoing revolution in military affairs, and if China is the first to redefine the way that great powers fight and deter wars, there could be perilous geopolitical implications.

Preventing the Next Ukraine

The unfolding crisis in Ukraine should serve as a wake-up call that we are running out of time to deter aggression against an even more vulnerable partner: Taiwan.

China’s Looming Challenges

From hosting the Olympics to containing the pandemic, it might seem that China is on top of the world. But beneath the surface, the country faces serious problems.

A Better Prepared Public Needs Clear Communication

Practical plain language explanations of risks along the way could have better prepared the public for the long haul.

Messaging Failures of the Pandemic

The best course of action is empathy and evidence over partisanship and intimidation.

Dear CDC… About that Latest Announcement

Effective or successful “communication” encompasses more than what you say and how you say it. It involves listening, learning, and understanding those you are seeking to inform.

Ripon Profile of Rodney Davis

The Representative of Illinois’ 13th Congressional District talks about the biggest issues currently facing his district and talks about his proudest achievements since coming to Congress.

America Cannot Turn a Blind Eye to the Plight of the Uyghurs

No one should live in fear because of their ethnicity or faith. Unfortunately, this happens daily in China in the province of Xinjiang. In the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), over 1.8 million Uyghurs and other ethnic minority groups have been imprisoned, tortured, and brainwashed in so-called ‘political reeducation’ centers by PRC officials because of their ethnicity and religious beliefs. Since 2017, the PRC government has systematically carried out state sponsored genocide in Xinjiang with the goal of wiping out Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities living in China.

Even Uyghurs living abroad are in danger, as the PRC has weaponized its embassies and consulates around the world to invalidate passports and strongarm countries into deporting vulnerable ethnic minorities back to China where they disappear into the detention camp system.

The personal testimonies from survivors and instructors of the camps are heart wrenching and horrific, yet tragically, not unique. Too often we have heard verified accounts of forced labor, systematic rape, forced sterilization, inhumane conditions in detention camps, brainwashing, and torture.

Last year, Congress passed the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, which would prevent products produced in Xinjiang and suspected of utilizing forced labor from being imported into the U.S.

Congress in recent years has found bipartisan support in responding to crimes against humanity in Xinjiang. Last year, Congress passed the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, which would prevent products produced in Xinjiang and suspected of utilizing forced labor from being imported into the U.S. This, among other provisions, represent strong action taken by Congress to respond to the genocide in Xinjiang. While I’m glad Congress got this bill across the finish line and President Biden signed it into law, there is more to be done to support Uyghurs and hold the PRC officials responsible for their repeated torture accountable.

I introduced the Uyghur Policy Act, which would create a multilateral diplomatic strategy to counter the Chinese Communist Party’s genocide in Xinjiang and push back on the PRC’s efforts to silence Uyghur advocacy.

Specifically, the bill would create a Special Coordinator for Uyghur Issues, allocate funding for human rights advocates to speak up, prepare our Foreign Service Officers to communicate with the Uyghur community, and call on our government to develop a multilateral strategy with other likeminded countries to call for the PRC to immediately cease its policies in Xinjiang.

House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, Central Asia, and Nonproliferation Chair Ami Bera (CA-07) joined me in introducing this bill, and we have 50 bipartisan cosponsors. It passed out of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in September 2021, and I hope House leadership brings it to the floor soon.

While Congress has made strides to support Uyghurs, nations and private interests around the world have remained largely silent as the PRC continues to ramp up its genocidal campaign. In fact, many U.S. companies have continued to ignore basic corporate responsibility and morality in favor of profit and have not done nearly enough to respond to concerns over the PRC’s human rights violations.

We must wake up and realize that the CCP has fully committed to leveraging oppression, torture, and genocide to further its geopolitical ambitions and economic prospects.

Instead of speaking out and withdrawing financial support for a regime that is torturing and exploiting its own people based on their ethnicity and religious beliefs, many companies have leaned further into China’s market. Their financial investment and technology—including intellectual property that will likely be stolen—will allow the PRC to further legitimize its regime and strengthen its grip on its people.

Some companies have even gone as far as to remain corporate sponsors of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, which the PRC is also using to silence dissent globally. These companies have chosen to turn a blind eye and continue funding a regime that actively silences, enslaves, and tortures its own people—and the American people will not forget.

We must wake up and realize that the CCP has fully committed to leveraging oppression, torture, and genocide to further its geopolitical ambitions and economic prospects. We cannot continue to be complicit and must deal with the PRC government we have, not the one we want. I will continue to do all I can to support Uyghurs and I hope my colleagues as well as U.S. companies and the international community joins me so we can hold the CCP accountable.

Young Kim represents California’s 39th District in the U.S. House of Representatives.