
Vol. 51, No. 1

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In this edition

Chaos is easy. Governance is hard. And in that regard, America’s new President has a long way to go. The goal of this edition of the Forum is to look at ways that the President and Congress can provide the American people with value for their tax dollars.

Continuing the Shift on Cuba

While engagement with Cuba may not result in unprecedented levels of economic growth or immediate peace and prosperity in the region, there are numerous benefits that could be realized if we continue to shift away from the Cold War mentality of isolation.

Continuing Unilateral Concessions Towards Cuba is not in the U.S. Interest

We must pursue a Cuba policy that enables and fosters a democratic transition and ends the rule of the Castro regime. There are few things more “America First” than fixing what Obama broke in Cuba.

How Republican Governors are Turning New England Red

The question facing Republicans in New England is whether GOP victories at the gubernatorial level can usher in a new political order at other levels of government, as well.

Even the OECD Admits Big Government Undermines Prosperity

The OECD’s economists have crunched numbers and determined that reducing the burden of government spending can boost GDP by an average of 10 percent.

Value: The New Watchword in Washington

Americans want value for their tax dollars. Which is why the ultimate test for the President and Congress will not be their allegiance to old Republican mantras. It will be their ability to convince Americans that their tax dollars are finally being put to good use.

How to Make America Great Again with Domestic Energy Resources

The legendary businessman offers his advice on how the new President can secure our nation’s energy future, and outlines the plan he has authored to do just that.

Making Social Security Last For All

Protecting Social Security will not only preserve this important program for future generations, but will send a message to taxpayers that their money is being well spent.

Stretching the School Dollar

The U.S. spends close to $700 billion a year on K-12 schooling, yet our results are middle-of-the pack and our colleges are beset by price inflation and unhelpful degrees.

Getting a Better Return on Our Health Dollars

The average American pays over $9,000 for health care each year, and yet the life expectancy of the average American ranks 42nd in the world.

Rebuilding America’s Infrastructure

As Congress and the new President look to rebuild America’s aging infrastructure, a look at how they can overcome some of the obstacles that have stood in their way.

Ripon Society Releases Results of its 2nd Annual Survey of the American Electorate

On February 2, The Ripon Society released the results of its 2nd Annual Survey of the American Electorate. The survey asked voters for their views on issues ranging from health care to tax reform to the proper role of government in our lives.

Ripon Profile of Todd Young

The new Senator from Indiana talks about the message of his winning campaign and the challenges facing the people of the Hoosier State this year.

Getting a Better Return on Our Health Dollars

Troy official Hudson photo (4)

The U.S. spends more on health care than any other developed country – 50 percent more per capita than the next highest OECD country. The average American pays over $9,000 for health care each year – more than twice the average of other developed nations – and yet the life expectancy of the average American ranks 42nd in the world.

For all of our health spending, the average American can expect a shorter lifespan than the average Frenchman, Swiss, or Swede.  Over 17.5 percent of our GDP goes to health care, up from only about 5 percent of GDP devoted to health in 1960.  We are clearly spending a great deal on health care and not getting the results we should, particularly given the enormous size of our investment.

In addition to the lack of sufficient return on our health care spending, there is also the fact that we are spending at an unsustainable rate.  Consider the following: In 2025, Medicaid costs are expected to surpass $1 trillion per year, and the worker to retiree ratio will dip below 3:1.  In 2029, all of the baby boomers will have reached the standard retirement age of 65.  And in 2030, the Medicare Hospital Insurance trust fund is scheduled to be depleted. Clearly, fixing our health care spending situation is not just an issue of getting better results, but also essential for our economic security.

The average American pays over $9,000 for health care each year – more than twice the average of other developed nations – and yet the life expectancy of the average American ranks 42nd in the world.

With the recent election of a Republican president, along with a GOP House and Senate, Republicans have a chance to change this trajectory. Doing so will not only help generate much-needed better health outcomes, but could also stave off a looming fiscal crisis based on our enormous and unsustainable health care spending.  Addressing this problem will take a multi-pronged strategic approach.

First, we need to address the problem of waste in our health care system.  Medicare waste is estimated to be around $60 billion per year.  The Obama administration claimed to go after “waste, fraud, and abuse” as part of the Affordable Care Act, but in reality clamped down on Medicare Advantage, a popular program that gives choice to seniors.  What we really need is a more aggressive anti-fraud effort by the new Trump Administration that uses tools like biometric screening of recipients and secret shoppers to root out rampant fraud.

Second, the replacement of Obamacare with a more consumer-friendly system will go a long way towards reducing costs and bringing down overall health care spending.  The Obamacare approach was to increase costs for all, make insurance mandatory, and provide costly subsidies for a select few.  A better way is to try to reduce costs across the system, and thereby incentivize individuals to purchase coverage on their own.  Elements of such a plan include: expanding access to consumer-directed health arrangements like health savings accounts; allowing the purchase of tax-preferred health insurance through mechanisms other than just through one’s employer; tort reform to cut back on excessive lawsuits and defensive medicine;  enabling the purchase of insurance across state lines; and, replacing Obamacare’s exchange subsidies with a refundable tax credit or some other tax benefit to help lower-income Americans afford health insurance.  A Congressional Budget Office analysis of a plan along these lines found that it would have the effect of reducing the average cost of health care premiums.

Over 17.5 percent of our GDP goes to health care, up from only about 5 percent of GDP devoted to health in 1960.

Third, we should maintain the employer-based system and be wary of the recent trend of moving away from employer-sponsored care and toward more government-provided insurance.  Employers cover 177 million people.  In doing so, they take pressure off the government-based parts of the system.  Employers have proven themselves to be very good at getting people covered, in contrast to government-sponsored programs, which struggle in that regard.  Furthermore, the cost per covered life is greater for people in government-sponsored coverage than those in employer-sponsored care.  Obviously, government programs tend to cover higher cost populations.  But to the extent that we can limit the movement of individuals away from employer-sponsored care and towards government-sponsored care, it will save taxpayers money.  Keeping employers in the health care game is vital to this effort, which means that public policy should both maintain the current tax preferred treatment for employer-sponsored care, as well as the ERISA preemption that allows employers to provide multi-state plans without running afoul of a crazy quilt of different state regulations.

The fourth plank is more long-term, but no less important.  We need to think about significant reforms to our costly Medicare system to make it more efficient and more sustainable.  President Trump has said he does not want to change Medicare, so it’s unlikely to be an early administration priority.  But we cannot push off the problem forever.  Speaker Paul Ryan has put forward a serious proposal for Medicare reform based on the premium support concept.  This plan, which has bipartisan origins, does not appear to be on the front burner right now.  But it could start a needed conversation on Medicare reform later on, perhaps after the midterm election.

None of these steps will be easy.  If they were, someone would have done them already.  But if we as a society want to start getting more out of our health care dollars, this four-part plan is the place to start.  Otherwise, we will continue to get poor returns on our health care investment, and face a serious chance of a long-term health care-driven fiscal calamity.

Tevi Troy is the CEO of the American Health Policy Institute and a former Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services.  His latest book is “Shall We Wake the President? Two Centuries of Disaster Management from the Oval Office.”