
Vol. 47, No. 1

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In this Edition


The Estonian Example – Q&A with Toomas Hendrik Ilves

A conversation with the President of a country that, in just over two decades, has gone from being an oppressed Soviet state to the most technologically advanced democracy on Earth.

Bringing Our Analog Government into the Digital Age

The former high-tech entrepreneur and current Chairman of the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee discusses his efforts to modernize the federal bureaucracy.

Accelerating Democracy

With powerful computers now being used to predict the outcome of market decisions, this professor argues that same power can be used to predict the impact of policy decisions.

Innovation Brain Drain

Foreign born scientists and engineers have long been a source of new ideas for America. Yet because of restrictive U.S. immigration laws, they are taking their talents elsewhere.

The Citizenship Premium

As lawmakers debate how to reform the nation’s immigration reform system, a look at the benefits of citizenship and the economic implications of the debate.

Harnessing the Hispanic Impact

Much attention has been focused on the burden that illegal immigration places on our economy. Yet it is also important to remember the positive contributions made by those who enter legally.

Building the Infrastructure for Rural Prosperity

Community-based initiatives that foster citizen engagement and support workforce development are critical to the success of rural communities. An effort underway here in Alabama is a good example.

Ripon Profile of Brian Sandoval

The Governor of Nevada discusses the first political speech he ever gave, his first term in office, and what the Ripon Party needs to do it broaden its political base.

In this Edition

When people talk about the next Silicon Valley, they often mention places such as Seattle, Washington, the area in and around Austin, Texas, or perhaps the Research Triangle by Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. 

And yet according to many technology experts, the next Silicon Valley is not in America at all. It’s in Estonia, where a former Radio Free Europe journalist who was raised in New Jersey and educated in the Ivy League has helped turn the former Soviet state into one of the most innovative countries in the world. 

His name is Toomas Hendrik Ilves. Serving his second term as Estonia’s President, he spoke with THE RIPON FORUM recently about his efforts to transform the small Baltic nation into a major high-tech powerhouse. Among other things, Ilves discusses how these efforts were inspired in part by his 8th grade math teacher in America, and how they are being received by the Estonian people today. 

Because of these efforts, Ilves was named one of 2012’s 20 Most Innovative People in Democracy by the TechCrunch blog. In naming him to this list, TechCrunch said that Ilves “presides over the most technologically advanced democracy on Earth.” Also on the list was Congressman Darrell Issa, the Chairman of the Government Reform and Oversight Committee and a lawmaker who is trying to do to the U.S. government what Ilves has done to the government of Estonia – make it more transparent and efficient. 

Issa writes about these efforts in an essay for this edition. In his essay, Issa not only notes that “Federal agencies spend 70-80 percent of their IT budgets maintaining outdated systems,” but puts forward a number of reforms designed to “bring our analog government into the digital age.” 

Also included in this latest edition of the FORUM is an op-ed by Northwestern Law Professor John O. McGinnis on “Accelerating Democracy,” and how the power of computers can be used to better predict the impact of policy decisions down the road. In addition, scholar and author Vivek Wadhwa, who first wrote for the FORUM in 2007, returns to our pages with a compelling argument about the connection between innovation and immigrant entrepreneurs and how, because of our outdated visa laws, the U.S. is letting this incredible source of talent slip away. 

This edition of the FORUM also includes coverage of a panel discussion on the changing American electorate that took place at The Ripon Society’s 3rd Annual Legislative and Communications Directors Symposium on Leadership at Mount Vernon on February 8th. And in the latest Ripon Profile, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval reveals what has surprised him most about the job and what Republicans need to do to expand their constituency and broaden their base. 

As always, we hope you enjoy this edition of the FORUM, and encourage you to contact us with any thoughts, comments or questions you may have.

Lou Zickar
The Ripon Forum