
Vol. 49, No. 1

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In this edition

On Feb. 22, 1955, President Dwight D. Eisenhower appeared before a Joint Session of Congress and laid out his vision to build America’s interstate highway system. Sixty years later, the system that Eisenhower built stands in a state of disrepair. And the Highway Trust Fund that was intended to pay for new construction is instead […]

The Impact of Global Youth Populations on U.S. Foreign Policy

In the world’s least developed countries, where the number of people ages 15 to 29 years old is growing at the most rapid rate, the unmet needs of young people are producing negative impacts beyond the borders of their countries. As Washington grapples with issues ranging from trade barriers, homeland security and the threat posed […]

The Ripon Forum: The First 50 Years

The first edition of THE RIPON FORUM was published 50 years ago this past January. To mark the occasion, we thought it would be a good time to look back over the last half-century at some of the individuals and ideas that have been featured in our pages. It’s an impressive list.


Shortly after he was named Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in November 2012, Bill Shuster called his Democratic counterpart on the Committee with a simple request: “Let’s have dinner.” The purpose of the call – and the dinner – was to build a relationship between the two leaders, while setting a tone […]

Restoring Trust in the Highway Trust Fund

We can all relate to sitting in traffic. The frustration, the gridlock – it all seems reminiscent of Washington politics. In this new Congress, however, there is hope for movement and progress when it comes to updating our nation’s roads and highways.

It’s Worse than You Think

America’s transportation infrastructure is falling apart, and we as a nation are falling behind. Yet somehow, with every possible indicator pointing toward the need for increased investment in our crumbling roads, bridges and transit systems, policymakers at all levels of government have been sitting on the sidelines.

Saving the Highway Trust Fund: Is a mileage-based user fee the answer?

The Highway Trust Fund is falling apart. Congress has bailed it out with over $70 billion since 2008 because spending is consistently exceeding revenues. Looking forward, spending plans are 30 percent higher than expected revenues for the highway account and are 50 percent higher for the mass transit account.

The Mileage-Based User Fee: At what cost?

Rarely is a problem best solved by adding layers of complexity to an existing process, particularly a budgetary process. Such is the proposal to supplement or replace the fuel tax with a mileage-based user fee to pull the Federal Highway Trust Fund back from the teetering edge of insolvency.

A New Generation of Transportation Service Delivery

A new generation of highway and transit delivery is arriving, and private infrastructure developers are playing an expanding role. Private companies have designed and constructed highways and transit systems for decades. The new infrastructure developers do much more, including operating and maintaining facilities, and providing financing. Their profits depend on meeting contractual standards of quality […]

Reform Required

The country changes quickly. Congress moves slowly. This presents a classic policy problem where we find ourselves spending federal tax dollars ineffectively because of a policy that has become outdated and in need of reform. In the case of federal transportation spending, the country changed long ago and the reform is overdue.

Ripon Profile of Renee Ellmers

The Representative from North Carolina’s 2nd Congressional District discusses the toughest and most rewarding parts of her job, and her priorities over the next two years. “As Republicans,” she states, “I’d like to see us be more proactive and results-oriented – similar to how nurses operate in their day-to-day.”

It’s Worse than You Think

Senate Hearing On Toyota Recalls and The Government Response

America’s transportation infrastructure is falling apart, and we as a nation are falling behind. You know it, and your friends and neighbors do, too, because we experience the potholes and congestion daily. Yet somehow, with every possible indicator pointing toward the need for increased investment in our crumbling roads, bridges and transit systems, policymakers at all levels of government have been sitting on the sidelines.

During my time as Secretary of Transportation, I traveled around the United States meeting with local leaders and citizens who were concerned with the state of the roads in their neighborhoods, and the bridges they crossed every day getting to work. I met airline pilots and business commuters frustrated with the outdated air traffic control systems that led to delays on the tarmac and travel headaches. I met seaport workers concerned that our outdated ports would not be able to accommodate the new post-Panamax vessels that will become the norm once the newly widened Panama Canal opens.

I know the deplorable state of our roads and bridges is not new news, but I am here to tell you: it’s worse than you think. In a recent 60 Minutes segment, my fellow Building America’s Future co-chair former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell and I helped to take an in-depth look at the dismal state of many of America’s most-traveled bridges. Here’s just one disturbing statistic: twenty five percent of the bridges crossed by Americans on a daily basis are either “structurally deficient” or do not have enough capacity for current traffic levels. And as tens of millions of Americans travel over a bridge each and every day, people are rightly concerned about their safety. In this case, the cost of inaction is high.

Because 32 percent of major roads are in poor or mediocre condition, taxpayers are paying on average $444 each year in additional vehicle repairs and operating costs.

The neglect of our roads has led to growing congestion and roads that are not properly maintained. And this is costing taxpayers money.

Because 32 percent of major roads are in poor or mediocre condition, taxpayers are paying on average $444 each year in additional vehicle repairs and operating costs.

And because 44 percent of America’s major urban highways are congested, drivers are paying $121 billion in wasted time and fuel. That amounts to $818 per commuter each year.


According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, the U.S. needs roughly $3.6 trillion in total investment by the year 2020 just to get our systems back to “adequate” status. It’s a hefty price tag, but it’s one we can no longer afford to put off each year.

While federal investment in our transportation network has not kept pace with needs, many states and cities are struggling with their own funding challenges. But instead of waiting for policymakers in Washington to wake up, they have been taking matters into their own hands. Over the past two years, several governors in red states and in blue states have either proposed or signed into law measures to increase revenue for transportation. And voters are willing to do the same if the case is made that increased revenue will go directly to specific projects. The success rate of local ballot initiatives seeking to raise revenue has been impressive. In fact, in November 2014, 72 percent of such initiatives were approved.

And because 44 percent of America’s major urban highways are congested, drivers are paying $121 billion in wasted time and fuel.

It is encouraging to see such actions at the state and local levels, but we must not lose sight of the clear and abiding federal role in setting and funding the nation’s transportation policy. Without an overriding national vision and network, America’s transportation system would resemble a patchwork of disconnected roads and rails, and goods movement would be greatly hindered, all while costing businesses and consumers billions of dollars.

America’s interstate highway system was built because we had a national Highway Trust Fund that was funded directly by the users of the roads through the 18.4 cent per gallon fuel tax. However, due to greater fuel efficiency and more people choosing to drive hybrid vehicles, cars are using less gasoline, and less revenue is flowing to the Highway Trust Fund. And because it has not increased since 1993, this user fee has not kept pace with inflation. Consequently the funding challenges facing our transportation system continue to worsen.

This has been a bipartisan failure, and both Democrats and Republicans must take the blame for not investing in our nation’s infrastructure. There are no Republican bridges or Democratic highways, yet lawmakers from both sides of the aisle continue kicking the can down the road and waiting for disaster to strike.

As gas prices continue to slide, now is the time for action. We must raise the federal user fee and index it to inflation. We need to do it now to address the crisis we’re in and to prevent more problems in the future. These investments will help put our friends and neighbors to work, and put America back on track. Several lawmakers from both parties have voiced support for modernizing the user fee, while others have been hesitant. But we don’t have time to keep debating this or hoping that pennies will fall from heaven to fill in our potholes: we know how to fix it, and how much money it will take. The only piece missing is the political will.

I believe that men and women of good will from both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue can and will find a way to make the tough decisions and to do the right thing to move America forward.

The revenue has to come from somewhere, and the federal user fee makes the most sense.

Ray LaHood is the former U.S. Secretary of Transportation and current co-chair of Building America’s Future, a bipartisan coalition of elected officials dedicated to bringing about a new era of U.S. investment in infrastructure that enhances our nation’s prosperity and quality of life. He is also a senior advisor in the Washington office of DLA Piper LLP.