Name: Mia Love

Hometown: Saratoga Springs, Utah
Professional Experience: Flight attendant, Continental Airlines, 1997-1998; Technical support team lead, Sento Corp, 1998-1999; Marketing manager, Echopass Corp, 1999-2000
Past Political Activities: Saratoga Springs City Council, 2004-2010; Mayor of Saratoga Springs, 2010-2014
Why did you run for Congress in the first place? I ran for Congress because I believe this country is in real trouble, and it’s up to We the People to fix things before it’s too late. The people of America want a government that is transparent. Our citizens deserve to know and understand the “hows and whys” for decisions made at every level of government. The people also want to see a government that is accountable for the decisions it makes. Cities, towns, and the state of Utah operate budgets that must be balanced each year—and so should Washington. Sound financial management is essential to preserving opportunity for future generations.
Who is the Member of Congress you admire most? I am still getting to know many of my colleagues in Congress. Two leaders who have been great mentors for me thus far are Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy. There is virtually no one I agree with 100% of the time, but I will support anyone committed to fighting for transparency, fiscal discipline, and the Constitution.
What are your top three legislative priorities in Congress? First, quality education — as a mother with three children enrolled in public schools, I believe that Utah—not the federal government—knows what is best for Utah’s students. I trust Utah teachers and Utah parents over Washington bureaucrats, and I want to give our parents and teachers as much flexibility as possible when it comes to making education decisions for our children.
Second, improving the economy — during my term as mayor of Saratoga Springs, I focused my time and energy on economic development. To promote job creation, I understand the importance of keeping taxes low and eliminating unnecessary red tape.
Third, repealing Obamacare — like the vast majority of Americans, I oppose Obamacare, but more importantly, I have a plan for what to replace it with. My health care plan calls for common sense solutions that empower patients and doctors, reduce costs, increase competition, and place more freedom and health care options back into the hands of the American people.
What was the most unexpected question you encountered on the campaign trail (and what was your answer?) A couple months ago I was at a cottage meeting in my district, and a man asked me whether there’s any real hope for the future of America. I pointed out to him that there is great cause for optimism because real hope lies in the people, not the government. Yes, these are tough times, but I remain confident that America will come back stronger than ever — just as we have always done when faced with difficult situations.
What would an ideal day off entail for you? An ideal day off is one that I spend with my husband and my three children. Our family loves spending time in the outdoors, so my ideal day would include camping or hiking with my family in one of Utah’s many beautiful state or national parks.