
Vol. 46, No. 2

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In this Edition

My last job on the Hill was for a Congressman who was elected as part of the GOP Class of ’94. I joined his staff in August of 1995 – well after the first 100 days that saw votes on every plank of the Contract with America, but still in the middle of the Republican Revolution. It […]

Lessons of Conventions Past

“As Mitt Romney looks for a running mate, the veteran newsman suggests he look to 1976 as an example of what, and what not, to do.”

Defusing the DEBT BOMB

In an adaptation from his new book, the Oklahoma Senator delivers a stern warning about America’s fiscal future.

The President’s Malaria Initiative: A Great (GOP) Success Story

A former U.S. Ambassador and Congressman, a current Senior Director at the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition who says, “These days, we hear so much about government programs that don’t work. But we shouldn’t let these stories obscure what is working well.”

The Regulatory Stranglehold on Our Economy

The current deluge of regulations is diverting billions from business investment to complying with government dictates.

The Regulatory Assault on American Competiveness

“When ideology and politics interferes with rational science-based rulemaking, job-killing overregulation is the result.” A Commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Creating Energy Solutions for a Strong, Secure and Sustainable Future

“We are seeing the emergence of new energy sources and innovations that can be the catalysts for a stronger, more secure and sustainable future. Unfortunately, after years of debate, the United States lacks a coherent national energy strategy that can put our country on a path toward economic growth, global competitiveness and environmental improvement.”

The Paradox We Face

A conversation in the grocery aisle about the price of bread and the intent of the Founding Fathers.

Reclaiming Our Future

“We have succeeded in changing the conversation in Washington from “how much can we spend” to “how much must we cut?” But before any progress is made in reclaiming our future, the policies that have made our economy worse have to be replaced.”

A Government Takeover and a Call to Act

The owner of an automobile dealership and representative of Pennsylvania’s 3rd District in the House. “If we are going to grow our economy, we need to shrink our government, repealing the overreaching and industry-threatening regulations that are building barriers to our economic recovery while burying us further into debt.”

Putting an End to Budget Gimmickry

The first term Congresswoman from Alabama discusses the bill she has introduced to restore accountability to the budgeting process. “Recent polls indicate that as few as one in ten Americans think Congress is doing a good job. The cause of that discontent is often rooted in a fundamental problem: the American people don’t trust what […]

Q&A with Arthur Brooks

The President of the American Enterprise Institute discusses his new book, The Road to Freedom, and the message it holds for today.

Ripon Profile of Dean Heller

The Senator from the State of Nevada discusses the challenges facing the people of his home state and what Washington should be doing to help them in their lives.

Ripon Profile of Dean Heller

Name: Dean Heller

Occupation: United States Senator for the State of Nevada

Your father, Jack “Blackjack” Heller, was a famed stock car driver, and you are an accomplished driver in your own right. What lessons from the racetrack apply to politics today? Racing is a competitive sport that requires hard work, but most of all it’s fun. Politics is similar. You always try to stay ahead of the pack. It is a privilege to represent the State of Nevada in the U.S. Senate, and I enjoy what I do. It requires hard work, but traveling the state, talking to Nevadans, and meeting new people every day really is a part of what makes this job so great.

You’ve been in the Senate now for almost a year. What has surprised you most about the job? I was really surprised with the partisanship in the Senate. Neither side wants to work with one another, and it’s more about a press release than solving our nation’s problems.

What are the main economic pressures people are feeling in your state? No state has felt the brunt of the economic downturn more than Nevada. My state continues to lead the nation in unemployment and struggle with a crippled housing market. Burdensome regulations and a healthcare law no one can afford are making it difficult for small businesses to get up and running and hire new workers, all while gridlock in Washington and big-government policies impede recovery. It’s time for a new direction in Washington.

What are three things Washington should be doing to help people deal with these pressures? It has been three years since the Senate passed a budget. Our government has no direction or long term fiscal plan. This creates uncertainty and contributes to the anemic economy. Step one would be to pass a long-term budget that places our nation on a sound fiscal footing. The next step would be to pass comprehensive tax reform that broadens the tax base, brings down rates, and simplifies the tax code. This would set the foundation for long term growth and provide stability for our nation’s job creators. Finally, we need to tear down the barriers to economic growth by removing excessive regulations that have stifled growth, created instability, and increased costs to small businesses across the country.

Harry Reid is not just your fellow home state Senator, but he is also the leader of the Democratic opposition. Is it difficult to set politics aside when it comes to acting in Nevada’s best interests? The Nevada delegation has a long history of setting our differences aside when it comes to fighting for our state. While I disagree with Senator Reid on a wide range of national issues, when it comes to Nevada, we have no problems working together.

Finally, when you leave office, what do you hope to be remembered for? I’ll let history decide that. What I want be remembered as being is a good husband and a good father.