
Vol. 51, No. 4

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In this edition

by LOU ZICKAR Seventy years after George Marshall first laid our his plan to rebuild post-war Europe, the world is growing more dangerous, and the alliances that have long kept the peace are growing frayed.

Eliminate the Filibuster: Trust the People

The Senate filibuster has got to go. It is completely contrary to American political science, and has devolved into nothing more than a minority veto – one to which the American people never consented.

Preserve the Filibuster: Protect the People from Political Parties

The right to filibuster remains because senators realize they need one informal, extraconstitutional device to limit the excesses of another extraconstitutional innovation: political parties.

Dems Upping Game in Red Zone

Donald Trump’s presidency seems to be going nowhere, but he does have one major political accomplishment – he has unified the Democrats.

In Defense of the Difficult on Tax Reform

Done right, tax reform will be daunting. But Republicans shouldn’t view the difficulty as an excuse to retreat from a transformative reform.


The Chairman of the Subcommittee on East Asia & the Pacific discusses the threat posed by North Korea and some of the other challenges facing America around the world.

Beyond Strategic Patience: What comes next?

The U.S. should consider pursuing a multidimensional approach to persuade Kim Jong Un that his nuclear weapons do more to jeopardize than secure his regime survival.

America and Its Allies: Renewing the Faith

America will remain the world’s most powerful country for the foreseeable future, but it cannot underwrite global security on its own — and should not be expected to.

How China Views the United States and the World

As Xi Jinping prepares for the 19th Party Congress, he sees a China whose place in the world is more powerful than it has been in a century, but which also faces growing challenges to its security.

U.S. Missile Defense in a Proliferated World

There is unlikely to ever be a dome protecting the nation from attack. But missile defense has evolved into an important part of our national defense that keeps Americans relatively safer.

NATO, Cyber and Article 5

In light of the announcement that a cyber attack against one NATO country could trigger Article 5, NATO must create an intellectual framework to prepare for such an occurrence.

Ripon Profile of Doug Ducey

The former CEO of Cold Stone Creamery discusses his successful background in business and how it shapes his current job as Governor of Arizona.

Ripon Profile of Doug Ducey

Name: Doug Ducey

Occupation: Governor of the State of Arizona (2015 – present)

Previous jobs held: Treasurer, State of Arizona (2011 – 2015); Chief Executive Officer, Cold Stone Creamery (1996 – 2007)

Biggest difference between being an entrepreneur and an officeholder? There are two “CEO rules” in the private sector: No excuses. No distractions. When you’re running a company, it’s very likely you’ll face problems caused by decisions and circumstances out of your control. Employees and investors expect you to take responsibility and address them

Too many lifelong politicians respond by saying, “Well, I had nothing to do with this so why should I stick my neck out?” We’re changing that. When I entered office, we were facing a $1 billion hole in the budget. We didn’t complain. We fixed it, and with money to spare. We inherited a funding lawsuit that was threatening our education system. We built a bipartisan coalition, won approval from Arizona voters, and invested $3.5 billion in our teachers, students, and classrooms.

The bottom line: Sometimes it rains. Lifelong politicians look up at the sky and run for cover. Entrepreneurs get an umbrella and keep moving forward.

How about the similarities — how is being a Governor similar to being a CEO? They’re both incredibly humbling experiences. You’re offered an amazing opportunity, and then you’re held accountable for your choices, either by investors or by voters.

At the end of the day — in both the public and private sectors — you need to deliver results for the people who count on you. I made it clear from day one that one of my goals was to make real improvements to the quality of service that state government provides our constituents, and I think we’ve done that in spades.

It was wonderful working as a CEO. But serving as the governor of the state I love is another level entirely. It is an immense and unbelievable privilege to know that millions of people have entrusted you with making decisions that will a ect their future and the future of their families, and I take that responsibility very seriously.

What are your priorities as you move forward in your third year in office? Our priorities will remain the same as they’ve been the past few years, with investments to match: Expanding opportunities, giving a hand-up to our most vulnerable citizens, growing the economy, strengthening public safety, and generally guaranteeing that we have a bright future, especially through education.

People outside of Arizona forget how hard our state was hit by the recession. We had to make some very hard choices in order to get our nances in order, and we only recently recovered all of the jobs we lost. Because of that work, the budget I signed in May was able to invest $163 million into K-12 schools above and beyond previous investments.

That was the first time in a long time our state was in a position to talk about adding money to education. I’m very proud of that accomplishment—and, as long as we remember the scal prudence and long-term thinking that got us here, I’m con dent we’ll be able to continue focusing on these priorities with nancing to back it up.

Finally, a prediction – how are the Cardinals going to do this year? As a huge Cardinals fan, I’m very excited about this season. Young guys like David Johnson at running back are poised for breakout years. Larry Fitzgerald is hungry for a championship. Carson Palmer is an incredible leader, Michael Bidwill is a terrific owner, and coach Bruce Arians, who’s one of the toughest guys I know, knows what it takes to win. We could see big things from them this year. I’m predicting a 13-3 record, NFC championship, followed by a Super Bowl victory.