
Vol. 45, No. 3

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In this Edition

September 11, 2001 was a day without adjective. Even a decade later, it is hard to properly describe the grief, anger, horror and pain we all felt watching the attacks unfold. 

Intell’s Top Cop – Q&A with Mike Rogers

With the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2011, terrorist attacks upon us, the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee discusses the effort he is leading to keep America secure.

Preventing a Cyber 9/11

The Maine Senator and Ranking Member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Susan Collins, discusses her plan to protect America’s cyber networks from attack.

Intelligence Comeback: Fact or Fiction?

The former Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Pete Hoekstra, looks at the improvements that have been made in the intelligence community over the past decade.

Is it Time to Consider a New Approach to Airline Security?

Are Americans getting their money’s worth on airline security? This aviation security expert says they are, but that it’s also time to move beyond pat downs and body scans.

Leaving Afghanistan

As the U.S. enters the tenth year of the war in Afghanistan, the Tennessee Congressman John Duncan writes it’s not just time to end the conflict, but it’s something Eisenhower would do.

Expeditionary Economics and Countering Violent Extremism

Foreign assistance will not defeat terrorists. But it would be a terrible mistake to discount the vital role that economic growth must play in fostering global stability.

How 9/11 Shaped the Millennial Generation …and the Lessons for Republicans Today

The author and Fox News commentator discusses 9/11’s impact on young Americans and how it has shaped not only their lives, but their view of American politics today.

Amid the Battle Over Spending, The Fight Over Health Care Continues

“At a time when businesses large and small are struggling to survive in a weakened economy, this added burden is completely misguided and unacceptable.”

In the Wake of Fukushima

“In the wake of the nuclear incident at Fukushima, Japan, the world held its breath wondering if the facilities would be capable of recovering from one of the most significant natural disasters in recorded history,”

Minority Rules: A snapshot on redistricting heading into next year

“For decades past, targeted and passionate activity at all levels has improved the political empowerment of the African-American community. The 2010 census indicates that similar activities may now be needed for other emerging minority communities.”

Ripon Profile of Nan Hayworth

Up close and personal with NY Rep. Nan Hayworth in our latest Ripon Profile.

Ripon Profile of Nan Hayworth

Name: The Honorable Nan Hayworth, M.D.

Office: Member of Congress, 19th District of New York

Before entering politics, you were an ophthalmologist. Was it difficult transitioning from a profession with very precise solutions to a profession where solutions are often hard to come by and anything but precise? Medicine is a servant profession in which one has to listen carefully to the patient, develop a shared understanding of the problem at hand, and craft a solution that will work for all concerned. It’s thus quite similar to being a Representative — though there’s clearly a big difference in scale and scope, which makes Congress all the more challenging, and I welcome that.

On your Facebook page, you say you are a fan of the comedian and film producer Mel Brooks? Which Mel Brooks movie does Congress resemble most? Remember in “Blazing Saddles” when they erect the toll booth in the middle of the desert and the guys riding toward it actually go back to get dimes instead of just going around the barrier in the wide-open space on either side? No common sense. That’s how the federal government was run by the last Congress, and that’s what we’re fighting in this Congress.

You’ve been in office now for nearly eight months. What has surprised you most about the job? I had only limited specific notions about what serving in Congress would be like, so there haven’t been surprises as much as there have been realizations. The best one is that Washington does have a lot of people with good minds and hearts who are doing their best to serve the public  honorably, and that’s a great positive that we can build on.

What’s been the toughest vote you have cast so far, and how did you explain it to your constituents back home? Voting to increase the debt ceiling was the toughest, and I began explaining the grim necessity, and the reasons for it, back in January. The constituents I serve expect the federal government to live within its means, just as they do, and therefore I also emphasize that we’re working to bring deficit spending down now and for the future.

When you leave office – whether it be at the end of your current term or at the end of another term somewhere down the road – what do you hope your greatest accomplishment will be?  To have served the citizens of New York’s 19th District, and of the nation, honorably and well; to have modeled–despite all obstacles!–the kind of positive and constructive behavior that will transform our politics from its current sorry state of polarization, vitriol, and class warfare.

Finally, a question close to home: you live the historic town of Bedford, about an hour north of New York City. If people were going to visit your District this Fall, what three things would you encourage them to do and see?  Ride along the designated Scenic Road through Bedford, which was founded in 1680, and savor the village’s historic charm; drive north along the Hudson through Putnam and Dutchess Counties and stop for a kayak ride from Beacon’s new Long Dock Park; then head west through Orange County to see West Point and stop in our Black Dirt region for some great local food.