In 1969, I received my commission as 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps, completed flight training, and deployed to Vietnam as a CH-46 helicopter pilot. After 40 years of service to my country, I retired from my final assignment as Commander of Marine Forces North/Marine Forces Reserve, at the rank of Lieutenant General. My parents instilled in me the value of service and my time as a Marine ignited a joyful love for aviation, an intense passion for our nation’s freedoms, and a deep appreciation for those who have served.
Folks frequently ask me about the proudest moment of my life. Was it winning a Congressional race as a political outsider? Pinning on my stars? These questions miss the mark.
Outside of becoming a father and grandfather, having the unique opportunity to lead Marines in the fight has always been the proudest moment in my life. We know we aren’t in the fight for ourselves – we’re in it for that Marine on our left and our right. Having served alongside some of the finest people I’ve ever met, these were truly the proudest moments of my life.
Outside of becoming a father and grandfather, having the unique opportunity to lead Marines in the fight has always been the proudest moment in my life.
Yet after 40 years, I hung up the camouflage and traded it in for a suit to have the distinct privilege of serving in the U.S. Congress. In this (relatively) new role, I’m committed to our Armed Forces and those who’ve served in uniform. As a Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and the House Armed Services Committee, I’ve made it my mission to positively influence the path of our service men and women from the time they join the military, during their days of active or reserve service, and all the way through their life as a Veteran interacting with the VA and continuing service in their civilian life.
On Veterans Day this year, as I have for the past several years, I will be joining friends in Gaylord, Michigan, to thank and honor the many Veterans who call northern Michigan home. But words and deeds remain two different things, so as I serve on the VA Committee, I’ve worked closely with my colleagues in the House and with Veterans across the District adopting good legislation to ensure our Veterans receive the personal benefits they deserve. From the VA Mission Act and the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to the Forever GI Bill, I’ve pushed significant policy changes within the VA that are now the law of the land. But our work is far from over, and a dark cloud hangs over us as we celebrate this Veterans Day because over 20 of our Veteran brothers and sisters take their own lives in suicide every single day.
In spite of record funding being poured into the VA system to combat Veteran suicide, the number of suicides has remained relatively unchanged for over a decade. While there are many factors such as isolation, lack of access to care, and combat-related trauma that may contribute, the data show that 7 out of every 10 Veteran suicides are from people not within the VA system. For this reason, I’ve introduced the IMPROVE Well-Being For Veterans Act with fellow Veteran Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA). This legislation would fundamentally enhance coordination and planning of Veteran mental health and suicide prevention services by allowing the VA to provide grant funding to nonprofits and local organizations that can supply a range of services to at-risk Veterans. We are working to reach the Veterans who have been outside our system of care. Preventing Veteran suicide takes a community, and this policy would be a monumental step towards ending this crisis.
I’m confident that in an era of political discord and partisan games, leaders from both sides of the aisle will come together and put the needs of our Veterans first.
With over a half-dozen VSOs supporting this legislation, over 140 bipartisan cosponsors in the House, companion legislation in the Senate, and support from VA Secretary Wilkie, I’m confident that in an era of political discord and partisan games, leaders from both sides of the aisle will come together and put the needs of our Veterans first.
There is not a Veteran life that is acceptable to lose for any reason and this common-sense legislation will help save lives of those who have sacrificed for our country.
As we celebrate our Veterans this week, remember that all scars are not visible. Remember that we still fight for the Marine, Soldier, Sailor, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen on our right and left. Remember that service is always greater than self. And remember that the one percent of Americans who’ve answered the call to serve in our nation’s uniform deserve our honor, respect, and thanks.
Jack Bergman represents the 1st District of Michigan in the U.S. House of Representatives. Having retired as a Three-Star General in the Marine Corps, Bergman is the highest-ranking military official ever elected to the United States Congress.