
Vol. 55, No. 5

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In this edition

For the third year in a row, The Ripon Forum is dedicating an entire edition to the Veterans Day holiday and those brave men and women who risked their lives in defense of America.   

VA Update: Our Work for Veterans is Never Done

Our country made a binding pact with our servicemembers. Upholding our end of the bargain is a moral obligation.

Equipping Our Veterans for the Next Season of Service

Too many of these servicemembers struggle to have their talents fully understood and utilized amidst transitioning back to civilian life.

Burn Pits Cannot be the Next Agent Orange

Otherwise-healthy veterans are suffering from uncommon cancers that may be result of exposure to open-air burn pits. The time for action is now.

“You kept us safe. You did your duty.”

Members of the United States military have done more to liberate humankind from oppression and tyranny … than any other force in human history.

“We honor veterans’ service and sacrifice for this great nation.”

There is something incredibly unique about those who sacrifice so much to serve our country – who choose to run towards conflict in the name of freedom.

“There is no greater calling than service to country”

There is no greater calling than service to one’s nation. And if there’s one thing veterans understand, it is that service never stops.

“We remember and honor the sacrifices, both large and small.”

At one point in every veteran’s life, they made the tough decision to leave behind the comforts of home to fight for a cause bigger than themselves.

More Needs to Be Done to Meet the Mental Health Challenges Facing Veterans

Transitioning from active duty brings many challenges and mental health stressors.

How Veterans View the U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Like the public, they are deeply divided along party lines.

We Said We’d Never Forget: Will We?

For the first time in 20 years, we celebrate Veterans Day in relative peace.

“There is no greater calling than service to country”

Over 11,000 members have roamed the storied halls of the United States House of Representatives, but fewer than 10 have been female veterans. As one of those female veterans, I feel an enormous honor and responsibility to be a strong voice for all veterans, but especially for the fastest growing demographic of veterans – women. For many of us, Veterans Day is profoundly meaningful and as our nation evolves and grows, so does our veteran community. Despite our country’s changes and challenges, our commitment to our nation’s values is the constant that unifies us. This year, we must renew our calls for a nation rooted in service to others. 

For me, the call to serve our nation began many years ago. It’s not an exaggeration to say my earliest memories are of the military – I was born on base, at my father’s duty station, NAS Pax River, on the Patuxent River in Maryland.  

My father, Andrew Andy” Jampoler, was born in war torn Poland to Jewish parents in 1942. He was hidden in plain sight with a Christian family as a Hidden Child.” Immediately after the war, he came to America with his young mother. They were refugees. As a young man, he joined the Navy where he would serve for more than 30 years as a naval aviator, including a year in Vietnam. In fact, my parents met when my father and grandfather flew P-3s together in the same Navy squadron. Eventually, the ‘skipper’s daughter’ caught my dad’s eye. And, well, the rest is history.

When I think of Veterans Day, I think first of my dad and grandfather (and my mom and grandmother), and then my many friends and family members serving on active duty right now.

Like many kids in military families, I moved a dozen times before finishing high school. But through it all, I felt the call to serve too. I attended Stanford on a ROTC scholarship to study Industrial Engineering and went on to serve three years on active duty at Hanscom Air Force Base in Massachusetts, working on air and space defense technologies. After 13 years in the Air Force Reserves, I hung up my uniform, but I was not done with my service to country.

I tell this story because the thread of service is often woven through generations of families. When I think of Veterans Day, I think first of my dad and grandfather (and my mom and grandmother), and then my many friends and family members serving on active duty right now. Now, as a Member of Congress, I also think of the countless veterans I’ve met and spoken to in our community. Their stories inspire my work down in Washington every day. Especially this time of year, I’m reminded that there is no greater calling than service to one’s nation.

And if there’s one thing veterans understand, it is that service never stops.

When I was elected to Congress, I felt it was a continuation of my service to the country that decades ago welcomed my dad as a refugee and gave us both the educational opportunities to grow and succeed. In joining Congress, it was again my turn to give back in a new way, and I knew I could be a strong advocate for our veterans.

As a Member of Congress, I helped found and lead the bipartisan For Country Caucus, a powerful voice to shepherd veterans’ issues through the House. Recently, we visited Quantico, VA to ensure our Afghan allies who helped us abroad were getting the resources they needed once they safely arrived in the United States.

Now, as a Member of Congress, I also think of the countless veterans I’ve met and spoken to in our community. Their stories inspire my work down in Washington every day.

I also co-founded and co-chair the Servicewomen and Women Veterans Caucus, which brings members of both parties together to address issues facing our servicewomen and women veterans. As co-chair, I led an effort to oppose the elimination or restructuring of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services (DACOWITS). In September, we received notification that DACOWITS would resume operations to fulfill the essential work it has done for decades for women in service. 

As a strong advocate of improving mental health services for servicemembers and veteran, I was thrilled that in 2020 my IMPROVE Act was signed into law. This bill authorizes the VA to take a new, effective approach in fighting the veterans suicide crisis by making grants to – and coordinating with – community organizations that provide lifesaving services to local veterans. 

The threats to our nation are constantly shifting, and to meet these threats effectively, our armed forces must represent the best and brightest of our country, regardless of gender. That’s why I introduced a bipartisan measure to modernize the selective service system to ensure both women and men are registered and poised to protect and defend our nation if ever called to serve during an emergency. 

Right here in Pennsylvania, the birthplace of our democracy, we have a strong and multi-faceted history of service.  Like those who came before us, it is now our solemn duty and responsibility to continue to answer this call.  I am a proud veteran, and I want veterans and their friends and families to know that on behalf of a grateful nation, I thank you for your service.

Chrissy Houlahan represents the 6th District of Pennsylvania in the U.S. House of Representative. She earned her engineering degree from Stanford with an ROTC scholarship that launched her service in the U.S. Air Force. After graduating from Stanford, Chrissy spent three years on Air Force active duty at Hanscom Air Force Base working on air and space defense technologies. She left active duty in 1991 and served in the Air Force Reserves before separating from the service in 2004 as a captain.