
Vol. 50, No. 3

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In this edition

“Why Trump Resonates.” When people see this headline on the cover, they may think it is an endorsement of Donald Trump. It’s not an endorsement. It’s an explanation. An explanation of how someone who displays so few of the personal qualities we look for in our leaders now finds himself the presumptive Republican nominee.

Why Trade Keeps America Strong and our Workers Employed

The benefits of free trade to our economy are proven and easily seen: small business expansion, job growth, wage increases, lower consumer prices, and an overall strengthening of the economy. But the overwhelming benefits of trade can also be tracked through the journey of tiny hay seeds planted in the fertile soil of Ellensburg, Washington.

Bad Trade Deals are Keeping Our Economy in Neutral

As President Obama prepares to leave office, his final legacy item — and quite possibly the final nail in the coffin of our free market — is the passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, another bad trade deal that has left America’s economy stuck in neutral.

The Future of NATO

NATO is at a crossroads of identity and purpose. It can either rest on 19th century alliance rules, based on reaction and diminutive diplomacy, or it can create the destiny of the 21st.

The Scalia Election

The death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February led to deadlocks and compromises in some of the biggest cases of the term, highlighting the importance of his replacement on the Court.


Americans are ashamed of their government and ready to turn the tables on the governing class. Who better to shame Washington than someone who has no shame?

Tradition and Novelty in Mr. Trump’s Running Mate Selection

The 2016 GOP vice presidential candidate is uncertain, but the selection process will likely be unique even as it honors certain patterns.

Picking a VP: Why Rules Matter

The rules governing conventions have been used for political ends in the past. That is likely to continue in Cleveland, where the selection of the running mate will be critical this year.

Time for a New Start

As another Republican nomination process comes to an end, this constitutional attorney and GOP activist argues that it’s time to revisit the 40-year old tradition that dictates where the process begins.

Storm Clouds over Philadelphia

With some Republicans wringing their hands about the candidate they nominated, it’s worth noting that many Democrats are doing the same thing as the party gathers for their quadrennial convention.

From Reagan & Ford to Trump & the Reality Show: 40 Years of Republican Conventions

A brief summary of GOP Conventions over the past 40 years – the highs and lows and good and bad of each, and how they may compare to this year’s proceedings.

Ripon Profile of Susan Brooks

The Representative of the Fifth District of Indiana discusses her proudest achievement since coming to Congress and the advice she would give the 2016 Republican presidential nominee.


Who better to shame Washington than someone who has no shame?
Donald Trump

In July 2008, the top political story in America was the rise of Barack Obama from relative political newcomer to presumptive Democratic nominee.  Eight years later, a similar political story has taken hold.

Donald Trump has gone from political novice to presumptive Republican presidential nominee in 12 short months. It’s too early to tell if Trump’s story will end the same way as Obama’s.  But one thing is certain – Trump is the anti-Obama of the 2016 presidential campaign.

Where Barack Obama promised to change Washington by bringing people together, Donald Trump promises to change Washington by blowing things up.  He is a cruise missile aimed at our nation’s capital.  And in this year’s presidential primary, a record 13.4 million Republicans decided to launch him on his way.

For all their differences, though, it is worth noting that Trump’s rise is being fueled by much of the same discontent that fueled Obama’s rise in 2008.  The discontent is a product of the past decade of dysfunction in Washington, DC.  From Hurricane Katrina in 2005 to the Great Recession of 2008 to the VA scandal of 2014 to the rise of ISIS today, the federal government has repeatedly been unable to ward off threats and deal with problems effectively after they arise.

Trump’s rise is being fueled by much of the same discontent that fueled Obama’s rise in 2008.

What makes Americans even angrier is that the governing class in Washington appears to be profiting from this dysfunction.  Between 2000 and 2012, the income of the typical household in our nation’s capital increased by 23.3%, while the median household income for the nation as a whole dropped by 6.6%.  Washington was the only large metropolitan area in the country to make it through the recession virtually unscathed.  Today, five of the 10 wealthiest counties in America are in the DC metropolitan area.

As a result of this disconnect and because of this dysfunction, voter trust in America’s government – and America’s governing class — is now at or near an all-time low.  And when voters are asked to identify the main problems facing the country, they increasingly rank government at or near the top of the list.  This dissatisfaction is not surprising.  The average American worker pays over $17,000 in payroll and income taxes each year.  They want to know their money is being well spent.  This is especially true in tough economic times, when budgets are tight and dollars are few.

Unfortunately, it often seems like the only time that “value” is mentioned in Washington is when there is an “s” at the end of the word.  Make no mistake – qualities like honesty and integrity are important in our elected leaders.  But so is making sure that taxpayers get something back for the hard-earned tax dollars they send to DC.  In this election, it’s about value, not values.  And therein lies the appeal of Donald Trump.

Despite questions about his record, concerns about his positions, and misgivings about statements he has made that would put any other candidate to shame, many taxpayers are giving the billionaire businessman the benefit of the doubt because they believe he will bring an end to government dysfunction and make government work.  Whether it’s building a wall along our border or rebuilding our crumbling bridges and roads, the taxpayers who are supporting Donald Trump are doing so because they believe he will provide them with a return on their federal investment by putting their tax dollars to good use.  In short, he will provide them with value.

There is no silver bullet when it comes to public policy.  The only silver bullet is political courage, and that has been in short supply in recent years.

As for the criticism that Trump has not issued any position papers and has no interest in public policy, these same taxpayers would also point out that America has had a decade’s worth of position papers from presidential candidates.  Where has it gotten the country?  There is no silver bullet when it comes to public policy.  The only silver bullet is political courage, and that has been in short supply in recent years.

Theodore Roosevelt once said that the American people are “slow to wrath, but when their wrath is once kindled, it burns like a consuming flame.”  In 2008, voters elected Barack Obama to change Washington with a message of unity.  That didn’t work, and now the flame of their wrath is burning bright.

Americans are ashamed of their government and ready to turn the tables on the governing class.  Who better to shame Washington than someone who has no shame?

Lou Zickar is the Editor of The Ripon Forum.

(*Note — This column in no way constitutes an endorsement of Donald Trump.  It is an explanation.  To read more, click here.)