Name: Meg Whitman
Hometown: Atherton, California
Occupation: President and CEO of eBay Inc. for 10 years; retired in March 2008. National finance co-chair for Mitt Romney during primaries. During the general election, national co-chair of Senator McCain’s campaign.
Previous Jobs: General manager of Hasbro Inc.’s Preschool Division, responsible for the marketing of products like Arthur, Barney, and my favorite, Mr. Potato Head. Prior to Hasbro, President and CEO of Florists Transworld Delivery (FTD). I have also held leadership positions at Stride Rite and Disney.
Individual who inspired me as a child: No question, my mother. When I was growing up, she told me I could achieve anything I wanted to as long as I worked hard and always delivered the results. She instilled in me a desire to win and never give in. She is an amazing person and an intrepid innovator. My mom has accomplished really extraordinary things in her life.
Historical figure I would most like to meet: Teddy Roosevelt. He was a fearless leader. He was a progressive thinker with a wonderful long-term vision. Many of his ideas, especially regarding our environment and natural resources, still benefit the nation to this day. He was determined to do what was right for the people and took on the tough issues that mattered most to Americans.
Issue facing America that no one is talking about: Education needs to be considered a national security issue in America. Without a renewed commitment to improving our schools, we will not be able to produce the strong, educated workforce America needs to compete in the global economy. Our ability to innovate and create the next generation of jobs goes hand-in-hand with the quality of our schools, especially in the areas of math, science and technology. We must make America number one in education again.
What the GOP must do to reclaim its congressional majority: Republicans must provide real solutions to the problems facing Americans in every walk of life. We must develop specific proposals to encourage the next generation of high-paying jobs, make education reform a top priority, commit to energy independence, and end the escalating costs of health care that are crushing families and small businesses. Republicans also need to put forward plans that will significantly reduce government spending. We must walk the walk on fiscal discipline.