
Vol. 46, No. 1

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In this Edition

For many Republicans who were young at the time, and for many other Republicans who look back on at that time fondly today, the 1988 campaign of Jack Kemp for President represents, in some ways, the GOP equivalent of the “dream that was Rome.” It was a moment when the possibilities that lie ahead for […]

Investing in America’s Workforce

The Chairman of the Education & Workforce Committee discusses the effort he is leading to make sure today’s workers are better equipped for tomorrow’s job opportunities.

The 1986 Tax Reform Debate and the Lessons for Today

It’s been over 25 years since the U.S. last reformed its tax code. One of the architects of that reform plan, Bob Packwood, discusses how it was done – and how a similar plan could be passed today.

The American Jobs Machine

To some, the American jobs machine is broken. But according to this leading economist Douglas Holtz-Eakin, the job stall is due not only to predictable demographic shifts, but preventable policy errors.

Recapturing Jack

Reminiscing about Kemp’s legacy being recaptured, describing how on April 6, 1987, a Congressman from Buffalo launched a bid to become President. His campaign was short-lived, but his legacy of inclusion, growth and opportunity still resonates today.

“Empathy for the little guy” – A Q&A with Ed Rollins

The manager of Jack Kemp’s run for the White House discusses the ’88 campaign, the promise of his candidacy, and why his bid for President ultimately came up short.

“It’s the Courage to Continue that Counts”

A Hall of Fame wide receiver and former Member of Congress looks at Kemp’s boldness and discusses how life on the gridiron prepares a person for life in politics.

Jack Kemp’s Political Heir

As one of Kemp’s closest friends, Daniel E. Lungren discusses his legacy and the individual who — in both policy positions and political temperament — is today best suited to carry Kemp’s mantle of reform.

Finding a Positive Way to Address Immigration Reform

Ideas to help Republicans win the fastest growing segment of the American electorate.

Union Man

Based on his book, a look at why Ronald Reagan fired 11,000 air traffic controllers in 1981. Joseph McCartin says, “Ronald Reagan, the beacon of modern American conservatism, believed in collective bargaining for government workers.”

A Lack of Accountability

Caught viewing porn on their federal computers, why are 33 SEC employees still on the job?

Ripon Profile of Kristi Noem

Rep. Kristi Noem looks back on her first year in the House.

Jack Kemp’s Political Heir


Jack Kemp was unique. His combination of intellectual curiosity, inspiration, openness to everyone and persistent advocacy for free market and individual freedom will not be repeated in my lifetime.

However, a worthy candidate for the mantle of Jack Kemp’s legacy in the U.S. Congress is Paul Ryan (R-WI). Paul Ryan, a trained economist, who aspired to practice the “dismal science” as a professional came under the mentorship of Jack Kemp and was profoundly changed in his career path.

Jack’s love of the intellectual debate, respect for opponents’ differing views and yet cheerful belief in the powers of persuasion now mark Paul Ryan’s notable achievements as a leading member of the current Congress.

While Jack insisted on the civility of vigorous public discussion, he never shirked the responsibility of leading that discussion. Paul Ryan’s respectful but forceful encounter with President Obama during 2010’s “White House Summit” had Jack Kemp’s style written all over it. The only thing missing was repeated football references.

Jack’s love of the intellectual debate, respect for opponents’ differing views and yet cheerful belief in the powers of persuasion now mark Paul Ryan’s notable achievements as a leading member of the current Congress.

Perhaps hunting deer with a bow and arrow from a tree stand – Paul’s passion – is not as easily translatable into lessons for life and economics. At the same time it does reveal Paul Ryan to be a genuine example of the best of Americana.

When Jack entered the Congress no one had heard of “Supply-Side Economics.” Indeed, the Republican Party had a well earned reputation as “green eye-shade pessimists.” Jack helped jolt us awake from that political nightmare. Now, Paul Ryan summons us to the “animal spirits” of a Pro-Job, Pro-Growth approach to taming the formidable challenges in our economy.

This time it is leaders like Paul Ryan who have exhibited the courage to face the fiscal mess in a way that both inspires and instructs. His “Roadmap for America’s Future” is the best straightforward analysis of the facts confronting this country, and it includes a sobering yet hopeful response to them.

Jack Kemp championed the worth of the individual as the keystone to an American economic renaissance. Paul Ryan’s faith similarly arises from his fellow Americans and their willingness to honestly deal with our present day economic reality.

Jack Kemp made America a better place so, too, does Paul Ryan.

Daniel E. Lungren represents the 3rd District of California in the U.S. House of Representatives.