
Vol. 42, No. 5

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In this Edition

Benjamin Franklin once said that death and taxes are the only things certain. For a time this summer, it appeared that rising gas prices could be added to the list. Although autumn has brought some relief at the pump, there can be little doubt that the energy challenges facing our nation remain.

Gov. Bobby Jindal: Calm in the Storm

With a hurricane bearing down on the Gulf Coast, Louisiana’s Governor provided his state with steady leadership.

A New Manhattan Project for Clean Energy

At a time when people are looking for solutions to the Nation’s energy challenges, this Tennessee Senator sets forth a bold plan that would provide just that.

What People Pay for Power

What if you had to deposit a coin every time you started your car or turned on you computer? As this energy expert shows us, the costs would quickly add up.

Memo to the President-Elect

Two scholars from the Brookings Institution propose a way for the new Administration to protect our climate and secure our energy future at the same time.

How Technology has Advanced the Drilling Debate

A new consensus has emerged in support of offshore drilling. The reason has less to do with rising gas prices than with the fact that drilling is now safer.

Water, Not Oil, is America’s Most Precious Resource

As the United States focuses on energy security, this Michigan Congressman reminds us about the resource even more critical to our survival.

America’s Energy Grid: Building for the Future

Upgrading our electric infrastructure will require massive investments in energy efficiency programs, generation, transmission, and distribution.

The Use of Nuclear Power in the United States:

Far from being behind the curve compared with other countries, the U.S. leads the world in nuclear generating capacity and is preparing for more.

The Challenges That Lie Ahead

The retiring Senator from Nebraska looks at the domestic and global challenges facing our next President.

The Ripon Profile of Meg Whitman of California, Former CEO of eBay Inc.

Republicans must provide real solutions to the problems facing Americans in every walk of life.

In this Edition

Benjamin Franklin once said that death and taxes are the only things certain. For a time this summer, it appeared that rising gas prices could be added to the list. Although autumn has brought some relief at the pump, there can be little doubt that the energy challenges facing our nation remain.

The United States currently imports around 60 percent of its oil from foreign countries. With demand for oil increasing in rising powers such as China and India, refining capacities are at their limits and global supplies are being squeezed. Environmentally, a new political consensus has emerged that recognizes not only the threat posed by climate change, but the need to develop alternative sources of fuel.

In this edition of the Forum, we take a look at those challenges and this new consensus. We center our coverage on the comprehensive plan introduced by Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander, who believes America should create a 21st century equivalent of the Manhattan Project in pursuit of clean energy.

This edition also features a “Memo to the President-Elect” on energy from two scholars at the Brookings Institution, and an insightful essay by David Kreutzer with the Heritage Foundation on what people pay for power everyday.

In addition, Michigan Congressman Vern Ehlers shares his thoughts on what he considers the most precious resource of all, while the leaders of the petroleum, electrical, and nuclear sectors discuss what their respective industries are doing to meet the energy challenges we face.

With every challenge comes opportunity. At a time when the American people are looking for solutions to the nation’s most pressing problems, energy is an issue that provides Republicans with an opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives.

Solutions begin with ideas, and it is our hope that, in this edition, we have highlighted some that will merit further debate and discussion down the road.

                                                                                                               Louis M. Zickar
                                                                                                               Ripon Forum