
Vol. 54, No. 2

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In this edition

The Ripon Society has long believed that America works best when Americans work together.  With a global pandemic paralyzing our country and the world, we decided to publish a Special Edition focused on those Americans who are doing just that.

On the Front Lines of the Fight

Neil Ehmig is a military veteran representing the next generation. Instead of going overseas, he’s fighting a battle blocks away from his home to try to keep his community safe.

A Critical Lifeline in a Time of Need

For the past two decades, Amazon and our workers have built an infrastructure to deliver goods quickly and reliably. We are proud of the role we play to ease the pain of this pandemic, serving as a lifeline for millions of consumers and small businesses.

Thank God for Truckers

Everything we need to fight COVID-19 is moved from Point A to Point B by a truck driver. Without truckers, grocery store shelves and hospital supply rooms would be empty. The result would be chaos. 

Training Displaced Workers is Key to Getting Americans Back to Work & Stimulating the Economy

By giving people a pathway to a job in the tech sector, we are helping fill an urgent need for trained and certified professionals.

A Shelter from the Storm

Shelter at home means one thing when you have a home. But what does it mean when you have no home, especially when you’re a young person on your own, unsure where to sleep, eat, or find refuge from the pandemic?

Partnerships are Key to Defeating COVID-19

We know that in order to re-open the country, testing is key. CVS Health is utilizing its expansive community presence to bring COVID-19 testing closer to home.

Doing Her Part

With wider-spread coronavirus testing needed in America, Jami Clark — a FedEx specialist and C-17 pilot with the Tennessee National Guard — took to the skies to pilot a joint overseas mission, transporting nearly one million test swabs from Italy.

To Beat this Crisis, We Need to Fight Hunger

No American should have to wonder where their next meal will come from, before, during or after a food crisis like this one. At Feeding America, this crisis has challenged our network to continue to provide nutritious meals.

The Food Industry Rewrites its Playbook on Crisis Response

It’s in times of emergency that we realize the true resiliency of our supply chain. Our industry has worked around the clock to replenish and restock shelves, while ensuring the cleanliness of stores and the safety of its associates.

How GM is Mobilizing to Combat a Global Crisis

At General Motors and across the auto industry, generations of employees have been counted on to develop solutions during times of crisis. Today is no different.

Essential Changes Required During Times of Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged our country in ways we could have never imagined.  Since day one, The Home Depot has been committed to serving our community as an “essential” retailer.

Response to COVID-19 will Make Us All Stronger

Last month, Honda began building an entirely new product in our 40-year history of building things in America – diaphragm compressors for life-saving ventilators to help victims of COVID-19.

Bringing a Long History of Innovation to the Fight Against COVID-19

At Sanofi, the drive to transform the practice of medicine has taken on increased urgency for everyone in the Sanofi family since the global emergence of COVID-19.

Delivering Hope With Every Package

While the coronavirus continues to impact all facets of our everyday lives, one thing hasn’t changed at all: our customers are counting on us, and we’ll keep delivering for them.

Combating COVID-19 

How can the USO continue to be the Force Behind The Forces® of the five million active duty, Guard, Reserve and family members in the wake of COVID-19 when so much of the tempo of military life has changed?  Our answer, “Change with it.”

PhRMA Member Companies Tackle COVID-19 From All Angles

PhRMA members are working around the clock to research and develop new vaccines and treatments, as well as test existing medicines to help those infected with the virus.

Response to COVID-19 will Make Us All Stronger

Last month, Honda began building an entirely new product in our 40-year history of building things in America – diaphragm compressors for life-saving ventilators to help victims of COVID-19. This vital activity is underway in a training center we established five years ago to help our associates develop manufacturing skills for the future, now home to the latest initiative in our company-wide effort to help provide solutions to many of the challenges posed by this pandemic.

I’m humbled to be part of a manufacturing enterprise that is working to find ways to join this fight, with each of our business lines – automobiles, power equipment, power sports and aircraft – offering unique solutions and support. And I’m proud that our response focuses on three vital and immediate human needs. We are working to employ our manufacturing know-how to produce medical equipment to help those battling COVID-19, addressing food insecurity at a time when so many families are struggling, and enabling our associates to serve as ‘virtual volunteers,’ to help people in need.

At the onset of the pandemic, Honda associates at our facilities in North America inventoried the Personal Protective Equipment, or PPE, that we had on hand, and 10 Honda facilities have now donated more than 200,000 items to healthcare providers and first responders, including badly needed equipment such as gloves, face shields, N95 protective masks, alcohol wipes, half-mask respirators and other types of protective gear.

I’m humbled to be part of a manufacturing enterprise that is working to find ways to join this fight, with each of our business lines – automobiles, power equipment, power sports and aircraft – offering unique solutions and support.

We then set about to harness our operations and the skills of our associates to create critical gear that is in short supply. We began by using 3D printers to manufacture parts for face shields. Partnering with our supplier Stratasys, Ltd., associates at five different Honda facilities are using 3D printers to help make face shield frames for donation to healthcare facilities and first responders. At the same time, a number of Honda engineers are applying their own ingenuity to develop a new method of manufacturing face shield frames using injection-molding technology normally utilized to make components for Honda and Acura vehicles. 

In Marysville, Ohio, we have transformed our Technical Development Center into an assembly area where associates are making compressors, developed by Dynaflo, Inc. The compressor is a key component of critically needed medical ventilators that provide a constant source of air to stricken patients. With support from Dynaflo, we are working toward a goal of producing 10,000 compressors a month. 

This societal threat is unprecedented in my lifetime and the realities of that are sinking in. Our thoughts are with those who have been impacted by the coronavirus, particularly those who are ill and the thousands of families who have lost loved ones. This outbreak has impacted us all in one way or another.  

Right now, many people are struggling to provide meals for their own families.  The largest network of food banks in the U.S., Feeding America, projects a gap of $1.4 billion in the next six months alone. So, as we looked at how Honda might best contribute to the COVID-19 crisis, including advice we received from a number of our own nonprofit partner organizations, we identified food insecurity as a critical area to support.

Partnering with our supplier Stratasys, Ltd., associates at five different Honda facilities are using 3D printers to help make face shield frames for donation to healthcare facilities and first responders.

This led to our initial $1 million pledge to food banks and meal programs across the United States, Canada and Mexico, to provide society’s most vulnerable with access to food. We also are conducting a special matching gift program that enables Honda associates to make monetary donations to food programs in their local communities, with Honda matching up to $1,000 for each individual contribution.  

In addition to providing medical equipment to healthcare providers and patients, and our pledge to address food insecurity, a third key part of our effort to provide relief to communities during this uncertain time is something we call “Virtual Volunteering.” 

Honda associates have a longstanding tradition of community volunteerism, boots on the ground types of efforts that includes the national Team Honda Week of Service we conduct each summer with our suppliers and dealers. With the advent of “social distancing,” Honda associates are turning to Virtual Volunteering to help people in their own communities through activities such as making non-medical grade masks, conducting neighbor wellness checks by social media and other efforts that can be done from home using a computer or other device. 

I have always found that difficult times, even tragic ones like this COVID-19 pandemic, can bring out the best in people. Without question, what I am most proud about with Honda’s response to this crisis is the efforts of our associates, and I am humbled by the efforts of our team to support the community and our customers.

COVID-19 is an unprecedented challenge for sure, but I have seen an unprecedented response as well from Honda associates, from the automobile industry and from good people across the country. These contributions serve as continued motivation to do even more.  As a company, and as a country, I believe these challenging times will make us stronger.

Rick Schostek is Executive Vice President of Honda North America, Inc.