
Vol. 40, No. 5

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A Note from the Chairman Emeritus

Some are saying that the Republican Party is out of ideas. And we know that, at times, the party in power is tempted to eschew good ideas for the sake of remaining in power.

Keeping our Nation Secure

The path to victory begins with making the right choice.

Promoting Energy Independence

We must continue our efforts to increase production and develop alternate fuels.

Strengthening Health Care

Reforming Medicaid must be a priority next year.

Improving Education

A track record of success and a desire to do more.

Protecting the Environment

We must stay true to the heritage of Theodore Roosevelt.

Keeping Taxes Low

Let’s not turn back the clock on progress that’s been made.

Limiting Spending: We’ve done it before; we can — and  must — do it again

We’ve done it before; we can – and must – do it again.

Q&A with Landon Parvin

The legendary GOP speechwriter talks about the importance of words in politics and why Republicans are facing such a challenge.

A Key to Victory for Republicans this Fall

We must adhere to the principles on which our base was built.

A Key to Victory for Republicans this Fall

We can’t forget about Centrists and Independents

Reagan in Youngstown

It’s been said that politics these days is fought along the margins, with each party trying to motivate its political base while the political center is virtually ignored.

Ripon Profile of Eric Cantor

We believe that individuals, with inherent ingenuity and ambition, solve problems far more effectively than does government.

Ripon Profile of Eric Cantor

Name: Eric Cantor

Current job: Member, U.S. House of Representatives.

Hobbies: Spending time at my kid’s sporting events, reading, and spending time with family.

Songs on my playlist: “Desert Rose,” by Sting; “Ordinary People,” by John Legend; “Don’t Stop Believin,” by Journey.

Books that I’d recommend: Leadership by Rudolph Giuliani; Hatred’s Kingdom by Dore Gold; and, Captive Warriors by Sam Johnson and Jan Winebrenner.

Political inspiration: Presidents James Madison and Ronald Reagan

Most important issues facing America: War with an irreconcilable wing of Islam, Global Competitiveness, Border Security, Energy Independence, Health Care Affordability

Why I am a Republican: Republicans believe in a free society with a limited, responsible government. We believe that government does not empower its people, but people empower their government. We believe that individuals, with inherent ingenuity and ambition, solve problems far more effectively than does government.