…from the August/September 2007 edition:
Hometown: New Hartford, Iowa
Occupation: United States Senator, Family Farmer
Previous Jobs: Member of United States House of Representatives (1958-1975), Member of the Iowa House of Representatives (1975-1981), Assembly Line Worker (1961-1971), Sheet Metal Shearer (1959-1961)
Individual(s) who inspired me as a child: I give my mother a lot of credit for my interest in government and history. Both were always an active interest of hers. She talked about issues and encouraged us at home to pay attention, develop points of view and stand up for what we believed in.
Historical figure(s) I would most like to meet: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln
Issue facing America that no one is talking about: the solvency of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
What the GOP must do to reclaim its congressional majority: Put forward a couple of new ideas, get back to our basic principles and convince the public that we’re going to stick to them this time.