
Vol. 51, No. 6

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In this edition

To the extent that the Ripon Profile has been one of our most popular and consistent features over the past 10 years, we thought it would be a good time to publish a compilation of every profile that has appeared in our pages during that time.

Ripon Profile of Jenniffer González-Colón

…from the November 2017 edition.

Ripon Profile of Doug Ducey

…from the September 2017 edition.

Ripon Profile of Bill Cassidy

…from the June 2017 edition.

Ripon Profile of Pat Meehan

…from the April 2017 edition.

Ripon Profile of Todd Young

…from the February 2017 edition.

Ripon Profile of Mimi Walters

…from the November 2016 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jeff Flake

…from the September 2016 edition.

Ripon Profile of Susan W. Brooks

…from the July 2016 edition.

Ripon Profile of Orrin G. Hatch

…from the April 2016 edition.

Ripon Profile of Elise M. Stefanik

…from the February 2016 edition.

Ripon Profile of Carlos Curbelo

…from the December 2015 edition.

Ripon Profile of Larry Hogan

…from the September 2015 edition.

Ripon Profile of Cory Gardner

…from the May 2015 edition.

Ripon Profile of Renee Ellmers

…from the February 2015 edition.

Ripon Profile of Mia Love

…from the December 2014 edition.

Ripon Profile of Mike Pence

…from the September 2014 edition.

Ripon Profile of Kelly Ayotte

…from the Spring 2014 edition.

Ripon Profile of Adam Kinzinger

…from the Winter 2014 edition.

Ripon Profile of Lynn Jenkins

…from the Fall 2013 edition.

Ripon Profile of Pat McCrory

…from the Summer 2013 edition.

Ripon Profile of Deb Fischer

…from the Spring 2013 edition.

Ripon Profile of Brian Sandoval

…from the Winter 2013 edition.

Ripon Profile of Cathy McMorris Rodgers

…from the Fall 2012 edition.

Ripon Profile of Luis G. Fortuño

…from the Summer 2012 edition.

Ripon Profile of Dean Heller

…from the Spring 2012 edition.

Ripon Profile of Kristi Noem

…from the Winter 2012 edition.

Ripon Profile of Bill Haslam

…from the Fall 2011 edition.

Ripon Profile of Nan Hayworth

…from the Summer 2011 edition.

Ripon Profile of Ron Johnson

…from the Spring 2011 edition.

Ripon Profile of Susana Martinez

…from the Winter 2011 edition.

Ripon Profile of Tim Scott

…from the Fall 2010 edition.

Ripon Profile of Charlie Dent

…from the Summer 2010 edition.

Ripon Profile of John Hoeven

…from the Spring 2010 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jo Ann Emerson

…from the Winter 2010 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jason Chaffetz

…from the Fall 2009 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jan Brewer

…from the Summer 2009 edition.

Ripon Profile of Lisa Murkowski

…from the Spring 2009 edition.

Ripon Profile of Richard Burr

…from the Winter 2009 edition.

Ripon Profile of Meg Whitman

…from the October/November 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Tim Pawlenty

…from the August/September 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jon Huntsman

…from the June/July 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Michael Steele

…from the April/May 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Shelley Moore Capito

…from the February/March 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Charlie Crist

…from the December 2007/January 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Judy Biggert

…from the October/November 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Chuck Grassley

…from the August/September 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jodi Rell

…from the June/July 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Kevin McCarthy

…from the April/May 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Linda Lingle

…from the February/March 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Kay Granger

From the December 2006/January 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Dean Heller

…from the Spring 2012 edition:

Name: Dean Heller

Occupation: United States Senator for the State of Nevada

Your father, Jack “Blackjack” Heller, was a famed stock car driver, and you are an accomplished driver in your own right. What lessons from the racetrack apply to politics today? Racing is a competitive sport that requires hard work, but most of all it’s fun. Politics is similar. You always try to stay ahead of the pack. It is a privilege to represent the State of Nevada in the U.S. Senate, and I enjoy what I do. It requires hard work, but traveling the state, talking to Nevadans, and meeting new people every day really is a part of what makes this job so great.

You’ve been in the Senate now for almost a year. What has surprised you most about the job? I was really surprised with the partisanship in the Senate. Neither side wants to work with one another, and it’s more about a press release than solving our nation’s problems.

What are the main economic pressures people are feeling in your state?  No state has felt the brunt of the economic downturn more than Nevada. My state continues to lead the nation in unemployment and struggle with a crippled housing market. Burdensome regulations and a healthcare law no one can aff ord are making it diffi cult for small businesses to get up and running and hire new workers, all while gridlock in Washington and big-government policies impede recovery. It’s time for a new direction in Washington.

What are three things Washington should be doing to help people deal with these pressures? It has been three years since the Senate passed a budget. Our government has no direction or long  term fiscal plan. This creates uncertainty and contributes to the anemic economy. Step one would be to pass a long-term budget that places our nation on a sound fiscal footing. The next step  would be to pass comprehensive tax reform that broadens the tax base, brings down rates, and simplifi es the tax code. This would set the foundation for long term growth and provide stability for our nation’s job creators. Finally, we need to tear down the barriers to economic growth by removing excessive regulations that have stifl ed growth, created instability, and increased costs to small businesses across the country.

Harry Reid is not just your fellow home state Senator, but he is also the leader of the Democratic opposition. Is it difficult to set politics aside when it comes to acting in Nevada’s best interests? The Nevada delegation has a long history of setting our differences aside when it comes to fighting for our state. While I disagree with Senator Reid on a wide range of national issues, when it comes to Nevada, we have no problems working together.

Finally, when you leave office, what do you hope to be remembered for? I’ll let history decide that. What I want be remembered as being is a good husband and a good father.