
Vol. 51, No. 6

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In this edition

To the extent that the Ripon Profile has been one of our most popular and consistent features over the past 10 years, we thought it would be a good time to publish a compilation of every profile that has appeared in our pages during that time.

Ripon Profile of Jenniffer González-Colón

…from the November 2017 edition.

Ripon Profile of Doug Ducey

…from the September 2017 edition.

Ripon Profile of Bill Cassidy

…from the June 2017 edition.

Ripon Profile of Pat Meehan

…from the April 2017 edition.

Ripon Profile of Todd Young

…from the February 2017 edition.

Ripon Profile of Mimi Walters

…from the November 2016 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jeff Flake

…from the September 2016 edition.

Ripon Profile of Susan W. Brooks

…from the July 2016 edition.

Ripon Profile of Orrin G. Hatch

…from the April 2016 edition.

Ripon Profile of Elise M. Stefanik

…from the February 2016 edition.

Ripon Profile of Carlos Curbelo

…from the December 2015 edition.

Ripon Profile of Larry Hogan

…from the September 2015 edition.

Ripon Profile of Cory Gardner

…from the May 2015 edition.

Ripon Profile of Renee Ellmers

…from the February 2015 edition.

Ripon Profile of Mia Love

…from the December 2014 edition.

Ripon Profile of Mike Pence

…from the September 2014 edition.

Ripon Profile of Kelly Ayotte

…from the Spring 2014 edition.

Ripon Profile of Adam Kinzinger

…from the Winter 2014 edition.

Ripon Profile of Lynn Jenkins

…from the Fall 2013 edition.

Ripon Profile of Pat McCrory

…from the Summer 2013 edition.

Ripon Profile of Deb Fischer

…from the Spring 2013 edition.

Ripon Profile of Brian Sandoval

…from the Winter 2013 edition.

Ripon Profile of Cathy McMorris Rodgers

…from the Fall 2012 edition.

Ripon Profile of Luis G. Fortuño

…from the Summer 2012 edition.

Ripon Profile of Dean Heller

…from the Spring 2012 edition.

Ripon Profile of Kristi Noem

…from the Winter 2012 edition.

Ripon Profile of Bill Haslam

…from the Fall 2011 edition.

Ripon Profile of Nan Hayworth

…from the Summer 2011 edition.

Ripon Profile of Ron Johnson

…from the Spring 2011 edition.

Ripon Profile of Susana Martinez

…from the Winter 2011 edition.

Ripon Profile of Tim Scott

…from the Fall 2010 edition.

Ripon Profile of Charlie Dent

…from the Summer 2010 edition.

Ripon Profile of John Hoeven

…from the Spring 2010 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jo Ann Emerson

…from the Winter 2010 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jason Chaffetz

…from the Fall 2009 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jan Brewer

…from the Summer 2009 edition.

Ripon Profile of Lisa Murkowski

…from the Spring 2009 edition.

Ripon Profile of Richard Burr

…from the Winter 2009 edition.

Ripon Profile of Meg Whitman

…from the October/November 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Tim Pawlenty

…from the August/September 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jon Huntsman

…from the June/July 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Michael Steele

…from the April/May 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Shelley Moore Capito

…from the February/March 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Charlie Crist

…from the December 2007/January 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Judy Biggert

…from the October/November 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Chuck Grassley

…from the August/September 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jodi Rell

…from the June/July 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Kevin McCarthy

…from the April/May 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Linda Lingle

…from the February/March 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Kay Granger

From the December 2006/January 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Deb Fischer

…from the Spring 2013 edition:

Name: Deb Fischer

Occupation: United States Senator for the State of Nebraska

How much has your background as a rancher shaped your political career? I think it’s maybe not so much my background as a rancher, but I was born and raised in Lincoln. I met my husband at the University.  I fell in love with a rancher, married a rancher, and that’s how I’ve ended up in the Nebraska Sandhills for the last 41 years. But I think it’s more a combination of things that influence us and make us who we are.  Part of it is being in agriculture. Part of it is living in rural Nebraska and being a mother to three sons who are now back on the ranch. You have a connection and a sense of community when you’re living in a rural setting, a small town.

You’ve gone from serving in a unicameral legislature to a bicameral legislature that is plagued with stalemate.  What has been the hardest thing to adjust to? I think it’s an interesting process here in Washington. I find it frustrating that so much of what happens here is scripted. I’m used to – as you said – being in a unicameral legislature. We didn’t caucus. We were on the floor every day. We had an agenda. We went through the bills that were on the agenda. Anybody could hit their light, get in the queue and be able to stand up and debate. Anyone could file an amendment, either right there on the floor or write one up ahead of time to be taken up. It was a little more impromptu at times in Nebraska — it’s how we operated. It’s just more scripted here.

Democrats tried to paint you as a Tea Party candidate, yet you were the only Republican in your primary not to receive the Tea Party endorsement. How would you characterize your political ideology? Well, you are exactly right — I did not receive the Tea Party endorsement. As I said, I served in the legislature. I was chair of an important committee – the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee. I was chair of that for six of my eight elected years in the legislature. I think everyone knows that I’m conservative. I believe in limited government. I believe in government — you must set priorities, and then make tough decisions on how to fund those priorities.

You have been an outspoken supporter of the Keystone Pipeline. Why is it so important to the people of your state? Well, I think the Pipeline is important for our country. In Nebraska, we set up a process during a special legislative session that we had that put in place — a siting process. We followed that at the state level; the Department of Environmental Quality had public hearings. They issued a report, the Governor made a decision, and it is now up to the President and his administration to decide if they’re going to approve the Pipeline. All of the reports that have been put out there so far, whether at the state or federal level, have shown that there is limited environmental impact — which I think is very important. It’s time for the President to make a decision.

And finally, a question unrelated to politics. The Cornhuskers have one of the richest traditions in college football. What has been the secret of their success? At Nebraska, we honor tradition. We of course have huge support for the team across the state. And I think it’s that feeling of family and the feeling of community and support for that team. Go Big Red!