
Vol. 56, No. 2

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In this edition

The latest edition of The Ripon Forum examines “The Crime Crisis” in our country and the steps that should be taken to reduce violence and increase public safety.


In a conversation with the Forum, former Congressman, CIA officer, and cybersecurity executive Will Hurd discusses his new book and his vision for the country and the GOP in the coming years.

Fentanyl Makes an Already Dangerous Drug Market More Deadly than Ever

With drug overdoses now the leading cause of death for people aged 18 to 45, America will not be able to simply arrest, seize, or treat its way out of this crisis.

Young Americans Want Republicans to Support Climate Policy

The GOP has an opportunity to adopt a more balanced approach to climate policy, one focused on American innovation and job creation.

America’s Crime Crisis: It Doesn’t Have to be This Way

Across the country, families fear for their safety in the face of rising violence, and are becoming angry when they hear about criminals being released back onto the streets.

The Existential Challenge Facing Police Departments Today

Officer retirements and resignations have surged in the past two years and it’s become harder for many agencies to recruit quality candidates — or any at all.

Prosecutors Must Put Victims First

There are some locally elected prosecutors who are choosing not to prosecute groups of crimes, selectively choosing pieces of the law to enforce and pieces to ignore.

The Disappearance of Trial by Jury

According to the U.S. Sentencing Commission’s 2021 Sourcebook, 98.3 percent of federal criminal convictions came from guilty pleas, and only two percent of cases went to trial.

Our Pretrial System Needs to be Torn Down and Rebuilt

Almost 75 percent of the U.S. jail population sits in jail unconvicted, awaiting a hearing or trial. The sole legal justification for their incarceration involves speculation about what they might do if released.

Third Time is Not the Charm for Failed Bail Reform Movement

When it comes to the right to bail, a thousand years of English common law and a settled system is more than capable of solving the ills that plague us if attorneys go to court and argue well.

Ripon Profile of Fred Upton

The Representative of Michigan’s 6th Congressional District reveals who inspired him as a child and what the GOP must do to reclaim its congressional majority in 2022.

Ripon Profile of Fred Upton

Name: Fred Upton

Occupation: Representative for Michigan’s 6th Congressional District

Individual(s) who inspired me as a child: My folks – now 92 and nearly 98 years old. They were foster parents in addition to raising five kids of their own.

Historical figure you would most like to meet: Abe Lincoln.

Proudest achievement since coming to Congress: Enactment of 21st Century Cures which expedited the FDA approvals of drugs/devices coupled with $45 billion in additional health research funds.

Top issue(s) facing America that no one is talking about: The increasing mental health dilemma.

What the GOP must do to reclaim its congressional majority: Forget allegiance to Trump.