
Vol. 54, No. 1

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In this edition

The Ripon Forum examines America’s economic rebound & why it’s a story every Republican should tell.

Winning with Women

Republican recruitment is breaking records in 2020, because more GOP women are stepping forward and saying, “I’m in.”

The Lessons of Brexit & Possible Parallels in the U.S.

With the United Kingdom set to leave the European Union, a look at how political turmoil in that country has mirrored similar turmoil in the United States, and how it may impact America’s election this year.

Europe’s Dark Cloud Over the World Economy

With Europe’s economy being about the same size as America’s, another European economic slowdown would have a major effect globally.


Over the past three years, the GOP has developed a strategy that has produced not only a thriving economy, but a winning narrative that voters need to hear about this fall.

GOP Voters are Sticking with Trump, but Centrist Voters are the Key

A View from Dubuque: Third in a Series

People Like the President’s Policies, but His Personality Gives Them Pause

A View from Macomb County: Third in a Series

The Economy has Prospered Under Trump, but the Local GOP has Struggled

A View from Northampton County: Third in a Series

To Area Voters, Trump is Standing Up to the Beltway Elite

A View from Trumbull County: Third in a Series

Some Gains for the Democrats, but the Strong Economy Makes November Too Close to Call

A View from Kenosha County: Third in a Series

The Issues May Change and the Map May Evolve, but America’s Two-Party System Endures

Veteran political observer Michael Barone discusses his recent book about the Republican and Democratic Parties and how their influence has risen and fallen over the years.

Ripon Profile of John Katko

John Katko discusses his bipartisan record in Congress and what he’s doing to address problems facing his home state.

Ripon Profile of John Katko

Name & occupation: Member of Congress, NY-24

Previous jobs held: Shortly after graduating from Syracuse University College of Law I began my career in public service, serving first as a Senior Trial Attorney at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. I then worked for 20 years as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). During this time, I worked with the DOJ’s Criminal Division, Narcotics & Dangerous Drug Section and spent time working as a Senior Trial Attorney on the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas and in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Most recently, I served as a federal organized crime prosecutor in Syracuse, leading high-level narcotics federal prosecutions.

Books you’ve read that you’re recommending to friends: Tip and the Gipper: When Politics Worked. Detailing the relationship between President Ronald Reagan and Speaker Tip O’Neill, this book is a model of how politics should, and can work. Although the two came from drastically different ends of the political spectrum, the book tells the story of how two great political opponents were able to bring positive change in this nation through bipartisanship and compromise.

Challenge facing New York you’re working hard to address: In Central New York and across the country, we are facing a critical shortage of mental healthcare providers. That’s why, in Congress, I have led efforts to increase access to quality mental healthcare and have worked to reduce the stigma associated with those seeking treatment. As co-chair of the Congressional Mental Health Caucus, I have worked with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to address the gaps in our mental healthcare system and have advocated for legislation that reduces the gaps in our mental healthcare system. Recently, I introduced the Mental Health Professionals Workforce Shortage Loan Repayment Act of 2019. My bipartisan legislation would increase the number of mental healthcare professionals practicing in underserved communities by authorizing a loan repayment program for those who work in an area with a lack of accessible care.

Most significant accomplishments of your first five years in office: I have been most proud of my legislative record. Last Congress, I was recognized for being one of the most effective lawmakers in Congress and for being among the most bipartisan. I came to Congress to get results for Central New York and to show that working across the aisle works. With my record of passing bipartisan legislation that addresses issues ranging from combating the heroin epidemic to strengthening national security, I believe I have shown that bipartisanship is a winning strategy.

Finish this sentence: “If I could change one thing about American politics, it would be…” “…the dysfunction in Washington and the partisan rhetoric that dominates the narrative.”