
Vol. 51, No. 6

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In this edition

To the extent that the Ripon Profile has been one of our most popular and consistent features over the past 10 years, we thought it would be a good time to publish a compilation of every profile that has appeared in our pages during that time.

Ripon Profile of Jenniffer González-Colón

…from the November 2017 edition.

Ripon Profile of Doug Ducey

…from the September 2017 edition.

Ripon Profile of Bill Cassidy

…from the June 2017 edition.

Ripon Profile of Pat Meehan

…from the April 2017 edition.

Ripon Profile of Todd Young

…from the February 2017 edition.

Ripon Profile of Mimi Walters

…from the November 2016 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jeff Flake

…from the September 2016 edition.

Ripon Profile of Susan W. Brooks

…from the July 2016 edition.

Ripon Profile of Orrin G. Hatch

…from the April 2016 edition.

Ripon Profile of Elise M. Stefanik

…from the February 2016 edition.

Ripon Profile of Carlos Curbelo

…from the December 2015 edition.

Ripon Profile of Larry Hogan

…from the September 2015 edition.

Ripon Profile of Cory Gardner

…from the May 2015 edition.

Ripon Profile of Renee Ellmers

…from the February 2015 edition.

Ripon Profile of Mia Love

…from the December 2014 edition.

Ripon Profile of Mike Pence

…from the September 2014 edition.

Ripon Profile of Kelly Ayotte

…from the Spring 2014 edition.

Ripon Profile of Adam Kinzinger

…from the Winter 2014 edition.

Ripon Profile of Lynn Jenkins

…from the Fall 2013 edition.

Ripon Profile of Pat McCrory

…from the Summer 2013 edition.

Ripon Profile of Deb Fischer

…from the Spring 2013 edition.

Ripon Profile of Brian Sandoval

…from the Winter 2013 edition.

Ripon Profile of Cathy McMorris Rodgers

…from the Fall 2012 edition.

Ripon Profile of Luis G. Fortuño

…from the Summer 2012 edition.

Ripon Profile of Dean Heller

…from the Spring 2012 edition.

Ripon Profile of Kristi Noem

…from the Winter 2012 edition.

Ripon Profile of Bill Haslam

…from the Fall 2011 edition.

Ripon Profile of Nan Hayworth

…from the Summer 2011 edition.

Ripon Profile of Ron Johnson

…from the Spring 2011 edition.

Ripon Profile of Susana Martinez

…from the Winter 2011 edition.

Ripon Profile of Tim Scott

…from the Fall 2010 edition.

Ripon Profile of Charlie Dent

…from the Summer 2010 edition.

Ripon Profile of John Hoeven

…from the Spring 2010 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jo Ann Emerson

…from the Winter 2010 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jason Chaffetz

…from the Fall 2009 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jan Brewer

…from the Summer 2009 edition.

Ripon Profile of Lisa Murkowski

…from the Spring 2009 edition.

Ripon Profile of Richard Burr

…from the Winter 2009 edition.

Ripon Profile of Meg Whitman

…from the October/November 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Tim Pawlenty

…from the August/September 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jon Huntsman

…from the June/July 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Michael Steele

…from the April/May 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Shelley Moore Capito

…from the February/March 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Charlie Crist

…from the December 2007/January 2008 edition.

Ripon Profile of Judy Biggert

…from the October/November 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Chuck Grassley

…from the August/September 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Jodi Rell

…from the June/July 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Kevin McCarthy

…from the April/May 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Linda Lingle

…from the February/March 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Kay Granger

From the December 2006/January 2007 edition.

Ripon Profile of Larry Hogan

…from the September 2015 edition:

Name: Larry Hogan

Occupation: Governor of Maryland

What does the fact that you’re only the second Republican governor of Maryland in over four decades mean to you? It’s pretty special, but I don’t think of it in terms of Republicans and Democrats. It’s much more important than that. This election was about change because Marylanders were fed up with politics as usual. Did you anticipate your campaign to repeal the rain tax would resonate with Marylanders as well as it has? When I coined the term “rain tax,” I wasn’t surprised it resonated so well with Marylanders and I’m still not, because it’s ridiculous. We were the only state in the nation that taxes the rain. I made it a priority when I came into office to stand up for the taxpayers who elected me and stand up to repeal the rain tax, and that’s exactly what we did.

In June, you announced that you were battling stage III non-Hodgkin lymphoma. How has this affected your daily outlook on life? This new challenge has further reminded me how blessed I am to have an incredible family – a loving wife, three wonderful daughters, a strong extended family, and many devoted friends. I am constantly comforted by the outpouring of support not only from the people of our state, but people from every state sending thoughts and prayers my way. Since my diagnosis, I have realized just how short each day is, and every day that I am strong is another day I get to spend with the people I love and another day I can work to change Maryland. I hope that in being candid about my battle with cancer, I can help bring awareness to the disease and comfort others affected by it as well.

Your wife, Yumi, is a first-generation Korean immigrant who is an artist by trade. How has her diverse background influenced your political career? Well, I’m not a career politician so my political career is really only seven months long. My wife is the first Asian First Lady in Maryland and the first Korean-American First Lady in the history of the United States. The first economic development mission trip of my administration was a 12-day trip to Asia. We met with government officials and business leaders in China, Japan, and South Korea. A lot of the officials now joke that I’m a “Hankook Sawi,” or “son-in-law of South Korea.” I hope that building strong relations with our overseas partners will be an economic driver for our state, and the First Lady will play a key role in that.

As the son of former Congressman Lawrence Hogan Sr., how has his political legacy influenced your desire to serve the people of Maryland? My dad is my biggest role model. During the Nixon administration, when he was a member of the House Judiciary Committee investigating the Watergate scandal, I watched in awe as he became the first Republican to vote for President Nixon’s impeachment. I often say that I learned more about integrity from my dad during that single moment than most people learn in a lifetime. That’s when I learned that it’s not about party politics and partisanship. He taught me firsthand the importance of reaching across the aisle and doing what is best for the people of this state.

And finally, who would you root for in an Orioles-Nationals World Series? Orioles! I’m gonna have to go with the Birds!