
Vol. 54, No. 3

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In this edition

The Ripon Forum examines ways to modernize the energy policy of the U.S. and provides astatus report on the fight agains COVID-19

Modernizing U.S. Energy Policy

As America continues its fight against the coronavirus amidst a struggling economy, the Alaska Senator argues that Congress should make this time of crisis a moment of reform.

To Young Republicans, Climate Change is Fact, Not Fiction

Polling has revealed that addressing human- caused climate change is not a fringe concern among young members of the GOP, but one that many feel quite strongly about.

Climate Change is Inevitable, Good Policy is Critical

According to this former GOP Congressman from Florida, climate change is not political but inevitable, and voters increasingly expect their 22 elected leaders to respond in kind.

Wear a Mask, Maintain Distance, and Avoid Crowds

In the coming months, our success in battling the pandemic will come down to some basic steps that every American can and must take.

College in the Age of Corona: Will it Ever Be the Same?

With college students preparing for class this Fall, college leaders need to look ahead with a sense of urgency and imagination.

Creating a Trusted and Unified Contact Tracing Strategy

As COVID-19 rates sharply increase across the U.S., it is becoming clearer that digital contact tracing tools could help alleviate

Saving Our Economy: Are Taxpayers Getting Their Money’s Worth?

If Congress determines more aid for individuals is necessary, it should be targeted to those who need it most.

Is the Time Right to Cut the Payroll Tax?

Several months into the current crisis, the case for reducing the payroll tax as a way to reboot the economy is nuanced at best.

A Smart Investment to Fuel Economic Growth

An infrastructure plan with a strict focus on repair could help put people back to work while fixing a perpetual source of frustration.

Democracies Must Work Together in the Fight Against COVID-19

As the world confronts the pandemic, it is critical that the democratic nations of the world keep our shared principles in mind moving forward.

Ripon Profile of Randy Feenstra

Randy Feenstra discusses his background and why he believes he is the best candidate to serve the people of Iowa’s Fourth Congressional District.

Ripon Profile of Randy Feenstra

Name: Randy Feenstra, Republican Nominee for the U.S. House (IA-4)

Occupation: Professor of Business at Dordt University & Iowa State Senator

Previous positions held: Experience in the private sector as Head of Sales for the Foreign Candy Company, head of the Insurance arm of Iowa State Bank, as well as an extensive public service record, including: Hull City Administrator, Sioux County Treasurer, and State Senator. Past community involvement as a volunteer EMT, a deacon, Kiwanian, multiple foundation boards, President of City Chamber, and a Sunday School teacher.

Why are you running for Congress? To advance the interests of everyday Iowans, their families, and the country as a whole. Now is a time for serious, conservative, pragmatic leadership, and someone with a record of delivering real results for Iowa.

What is the number one issue people are asking you about? Agriculture. Iowa’s Fourth District has the second most farms of any district in the country, and is consistently a leading producer of corn, soybeans, milk, eggs, ethanol, and livestock. Agriculture is the backbone of the region and is at the core of the district’s communities.

What would be your top legislative priorities
if elected? 
Invigorating Iowa’s communities — that entails legislating with agriculture and small business in mind. Protecting Iowa farmers and Main Streets is a pivotal component in the broader effort to tackle the issues facing rural areas. Relatedly, promoting family formation and those existing families in the district by providing much needed tax relief.

How has the coronavirus pandemic affected your
Our campaign built a strong organization and digital presence early in the campaign. This early organizational investment has paid off over the last few months as we have moved to more digital and online campaigning. We are doing a lot of Zoom meetings, speaking with voters on social media, and our organization is talking with Iowans over the phone about issues that are important to them.