
Vol. 50, No. 5

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In this edition

by LOU ZICKAR In this edition, we look at another key plank in the Better Way agenda – tax reform, and the blueprint crafted by Ways & Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady to rewrite the tax code and replace it with a system that is not only easier to understand, but one that also unleashes […]

Climate Change is Occurring — It’s Time for Conservatives to Act

Conservatives are rightly known for trying to solve problems before they become catastrophes. When it comes to protecting our planet, it makes sense for conservatives to take the lead in addressing climate change.

Climate Change is not Generating Extreme Weather

Fossil fuel use is not causing weather extremes, but federal policies, including subsidized flood and hurricane insurance, have contributed to rising disaster costs.

The Forgotten Issue of the 2016 Campaign

The presidential campaign is coming to a close without the candidates laying out a plan to reduce our national debt.

For Party & Country, GOP Leaders Must Deliver the TPP

Although not a perfect agreement, the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a good deal for American consumers, workers, and businesses.

A Better Way for America’s Taxpayers

With Americans fed up with the broken tax code, the Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee discusses a reform blueprint that will propel America into a new economic era.

Families as the Sine Qua Non of Tax Reform

A tax code that recognizes the outsized expense and value of families is one which is more likely to have a correlative benefit of reducing the unfunded liabilities of the entitlement state.

Reform U.S. Taxes to Boost Investment & Innovation

Over the last 10 years, other nations have dropped their corporate tax rates and improved their tax systems. It’s time for the U.S. to do the same and level the global playing field.

Fearing the IRS: History need not keep repeating itself

With stories of overreach by the Internal Revenue Service being heard all around the nation, it is time to curb the agency’s authority and restore some common Sense to the law.

A Tale of Three Tax Plans

Neither of the two major presidential candidates has proposed a plan that moves the country toward tax reform. Fortunately, a blueprint to do just that has been introduced on Capitol Hill.

The Pence Record on Tax Relief & Tax Reform

An analysis of Governor Mike Pence’s efforts to Ease the tax burden and reform the tax system in Indiana, and the impact these efforts have had on the Hoosier State.

Ripon Profile of Mimi Walters

The Congresswoman from California’s 45th District shares her thoughts on the need to curb reckless spending and why passing the Better Way agenda must be a priority next year.

For Party & Country, GOP Leaders Must Deliver the TPP


On the political stump and in the media, trade agreements have been blamed for killing American manufacturing, stealing jobs, widening income inequality, degrading the environment – even causing cancer.  Much of the ire has been directed at the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade agreement signed earlier this year by the United States and 11 other Pacific-Rim countries on four continents.  Although not a perfect agreement, the TPP is a good deal for American consumers, workers, and businesses, and its ratification by Congress is crucial to protecting U.S. economic and geostrategic interests going forward.

In terms of economic heft, the TPP is the largest U.S. trade agreement ever negotiated.  In 2014, its 12 signatories accounted for 23 percent of the world’s exports and 36 percent of global GDP.  If implemented, the deal would eliminate tariffs on 90 percent of regional trade immediately, open growing Asian services markets to U.S. providers, prohibit customs duties on electronic commerce, expand Americans’ access to imported goods and services, and reinforce the institutional architecture that has enabled the rules-based, global trading system to flourish under U.S. leadership since the end of World War II.

Although not a perfect agreement, the TPP is a good deal for American consumers, workers, and businesses.

The agreement’s 30 chapters deal with tariffs and other traditional market access issues, but also include rules governing certain aspects of e-commerce, operations of state-owned enterprises, intellectual property and labor laws, environmental rules, and other areas that are less obviously associated with trade or trade barriers.  Arguably, these governance provisions belong in trade agreements because domestic laws and regulations could have protectionist intent or consequences, but their inclusion also raises concerns about the potential for overreaching that could erode national sovereignty and weaken domestic accountability.  Accordingly, the usual anti-trade arguments from labor, environmental, and other groups on the left have been supplemented by free-market oriented assertions that the TPP is too much about global governance and too little about market liberalization.

Suspecting that the agreement was a mixed bag, scholars at the Cato Institute conducted a chapter-by-chapter, provision-by-provision assessment and concluded that – like most trade deals – the TPP augments our economic freedoms, but also includes some baked-in protectionism.  However, as a whole package, the pros outweigh the cons and free traders should be supportive of ratification.  Of the 22 chapters that were assessed and assigned scores (on a scale of 0 to 10), 15 were determined to be trade liberalizing (scores above 5), five were found to be protectionist (scores below 5), and two were determined to be neutral (scores of 5).

Economic studies from the U.S. International Trade Commission and the Peterson Institute for International Economics both found that the TPP would generate modest – but positive – increases in U.S. incomes.  However, those estimates do not account for the fact that the TPP is a “living agreement,” open to new countries that can meet the relatively rigorous obligations of membership. This dynamic feature means that the TPP has greater upside potential than the estimates suggest, and makes the agreement a candidate to fill the void created by the breakdown of the consensus-dependent, multilateral negotiating “round” approach that undergirded global trade liberalization for a half century.

With 36 percent of global GDP represented by its charter members, the TPP already has achieved critical mass. Several countries already have expressed interest in joining the agreement.  As membership increases, the cost of remaining outside the TPP will rise, as preferences, supply chains, and investments shift from TPP outsiders to TPP members. With its neighbors and most important trade partners joining TPP, Beijing will have no better alternative than to embrace it, as well, and accept the new rules that will rein in some of the abusive trade practices of which China is so frequently accused.

Economic studies from the U.S. International Trade Commission and the Peterson Institute for International Economics both found that the TPP would generate modest – but positive – increases in U.S. incomes.

The TPP is a crucial step in the process of reestablishing the primacy of non-discrimination and other tenets of the U.S.-led, post-WWII liberal economic order. It is a blueprint for securing U.S. geoeconomic and geopolitical interests now and into the future by reinvigorating the rules of international trade law and accommodating those institutions to a multi-polar, 21st century global economy.

But one major hurdle remains – Congress has not yet ratified the TPP, and prospects for doing so are extremely limited.  The politics behind the fate of the TPP are more fluid than this suggests, but Congress will either consider implementing legislation in the Lame Duck session – between November 14 and December 23 – or it won’t.  Congressional Republican leadership has rejected the idea of a Lame Duck vote, claiming a lack of support for TPP.

Certainly, the vitriolic, anti-trade rhetoric that has cascaded from the top of the ticket opened up a fissure in the GOP over trade.  But if the party expects to recover from this year and be taken seriously when it advocates free markets and economic liberalization, its leadership needs to deliver the TPP before Christmas.

If it doesn’t, the fate of the TPP will descend into deep uncertainty, determined by a president who claims to oppose the deal and a Congress in which both parties reject the merits of trade liberalization and U.S. global economic leadership.

Daniel Ikenson is director of the Cato Institute’s Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies.