
Vol. 50, No. 5

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In this edition

by LOU ZICKAR In this edition, we look at another key plank in the Better Way agenda – tax reform, and the blueprint crafted by Ways & Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady to rewrite the tax code and replace it with a system that is not only easier to understand, but one that also unleashes […]

Climate Change is Occurring — It’s Time for Conservatives to Act

Conservatives are rightly known for trying to solve problems before they become catastrophes. When it comes to protecting our planet, it makes sense for conservatives to take the lead in addressing climate change.

Climate Change is not Generating Extreme Weather

Fossil fuel use is not causing weather extremes, but federal policies, including subsidized flood and hurricane insurance, have contributed to rising disaster costs.

The Forgotten Issue of the 2016 Campaign

The presidential campaign is coming to a close without the candidates laying out a plan to reduce our national debt.

For Party & Country, GOP Leaders Must Deliver the TPP

Although not a perfect agreement, the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a good deal for American consumers, workers, and businesses.

A Better Way for America’s Taxpayers

With Americans fed up with the broken tax code, the Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee discusses a reform blueprint that will propel America into a new economic era.

Families as the Sine Qua Non of Tax Reform

A tax code that recognizes the outsized expense and value of families is one which is more likely to have a correlative benefit of reducing the unfunded liabilities of the entitlement state.

Reform U.S. Taxes to Boost Investment & Innovation

Over the last 10 years, other nations have dropped their corporate tax rates and improved their tax systems. It’s time for the U.S. to do the same and level the global playing field.

Fearing the IRS: History need not keep repeating itself

With stories of overreach by the Internal Revenue Service being heard all around the nation, it is time to curb the agency’s authority and restore some common Sense to the law.

A Tale of Three Tax Plans

Neither of the two major presidential candidates has proposed a plan that moves the country toward tax reform. Fortunately, a blueprint to do just that has been introduced on Capitol Hill.

The Pence Record on Tax Relief & Tax Reform

An analysis of Governor Mike Pence’s efforts to Ease the tax burden and reform the tax system in Indiana, and the impact these efforts have had on the Hoosier State.

Ripon Profile of Mimi Walters

The Congresswoman from California’s 45th District shares her thoughts on the need to curb reckless spending and why passing the Better Way agenda must be a priority next year.

Ripon Profile of Mimi Walters

ripon-profile-of-mimi-waltersName: Mimi Walters

Occupation: Representative for California’s 45th District

First job & lesson learned from it: My first job was working at Disneyland, where I had the opportunity to work with people from around the world.  I learned a great deal while working there, but the most valuable lesson taught me how to work with people with very different perspectives and backgrounds. This skill has been invaluable throughout my career, especially since coming to Congress. The people I represent expect me to work across the aisle to find and implement real solutions that will better their lives and this nation.

Book(s) you’re recommending to friends: I am reading Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow. It is an excellent book detailing his life and the tremendous role he played in the founding of our country. I highly recommend it.

Top issue(s) in America that no one is talking about: While cutting government spending may be difficult at times, it is imperative that we put an end to reckless spending and focus on fiscal restraint. As it stands now, two-thirds of our budget is dedicated to mandatory spending programs like Medicare and Social Security.  This means that this spending is locked in by existing law. If we continue this unsustainable trend, by 2022, 100 percent of our budget will be dedicated to entitlements and servicing the national debt. That means zero dollars for defense, intelligence, or any other program.  Our children and grandchildren will be left holding the bag if we do not start addressing the significant fiscal issues this country is facing.

Challenge facing your District that you’re working hard to address: The state of our economy is a topic that comes up in nearly every constituent meeting. It is vital that Congress addresses this issue. At a more local level, the state of transportation infrastructure throughout Orange County and California is an issue. As a member of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, I am pleased we now have a long-term surface transportation bill that will help address some of these issues, but more work – particularly in terms of finding a long-term, sustainable funding source – is needed.

Finish this sentence: “If I could set one goal for Congress in 2017, it would be to…” Implement our Better Way agenda, particularly the economic growth proposals, which generate a pro-growth environment, revitalize the economy, create jobs, and increase wages.