
Vol. 54, No. 6

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In this edition

This edition of the Ripon Forum features the results of a post-election survey of the nation’s electorate, which finds that Americans still want their leaders in Washington to work together.

A Patriotic, Pro-Worker Republican Party Is Emerging

November’s historic turnout suggests the political coalitions that constitute our two-party system are once again shifting.

The Ghosts of Budgets Past, Present & Future

Ebenezer Scrooge would have certainly asserted of Congress’ budget process: “it is dead, dead as a door-nail.” In the spirit of the season, it is worth examining why the process now lies with old Marley in the graveyard.

Why Macomb Stayed Red

Trump’s successes in Macomb during the last two cycles may signal a longer-term partisan change in the County.

Why Northampton Turned Blue

Trump’s inability to repeat in Northampton County was undoubtedly affected by intense dissatisfaction with his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Voters will be heading into 2021 frustrated about the political environment and wary that either political party or its leaders has all the answers facing the country.


Meet 10 Members of the GOP Freedom Force Who Knocked Off Incumbent Democrats

The New Guard: Stephanie Bice (OK-5)

“Hopefully we’ll see, now that the election is over, some coming together and trying to actually govern again.”

The New Guard: Michelle Fischbach (MN-7)

“Families across western Minnesota simply want a government that protects our communities and spends taxpayer dollars responsibly.”

The New Guard: Carlos Gimenez (FL-26)

“This country needs to start to work together. We have threats from outside and inside, and for us to keep fighting makes no sense whatsoever.”

The New Guard: Yvette Herrell (NM-2)

“For far too long, we’ve seen division in Washington, and the losers are the people, because our values are not being represented.”

The New Guard: Ashley Hinson (IA-1)

“The partisan rhetoric – the infighting – is unacceptable to me and I know it’s unacceptable to the voters in Iowa’s first district.”

The New Guard: Young Kim (CA-39)

“For the longest time, the Republican Party has been the party of opportunities, and I’m an example of that.”

The New Guard: Nancy Mace (SC-1)

“It is time to stop rebuilding the world and start rebuilding America.”

The New Guard: Burgess Owens (UT-4)

“Now, more than ever, we need leaders that will stand for their principles and won’t compromise their values for political opportunities.”

The New Guard: Maria Elvira Salazar (FL-27)

“I vow that I will represent the spirit that lives in this district – the ultimate melting pot.”

The New Guard: Michelle Steel (CA-48)

“This vote showed that minorities who may look or speak differently than most not only have a place in this Republican Party but can be elected to the United States Congress.”

Why We Need Federal Election Standards

Most advanced democracies, even federal ones, have a national agency that guarantees standard voting registration processes that make it straightforward to vote.

States Should Set Their Own Election Rules to Protect Liberty

Any national federal standard — whether it be voter ID, absentee ballot availability, or even voter qualifications — would be enforced with a decidedly Democratic Party bias.

Ripon Profile of Tom Emmer

Tom Emmer discusses the outcome of this past election, and how Republicans can take back the House in 2022.

The New Guard: Carlos Gimenez (FL-26)

“This country needs to start to work together. We have threats from outside and inside, and for us to keep fighting makes no sense whatsoever.”

Snapshot of Victory: Carlos Gimenez defeated first term incumbent Democrat Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell by a vote of 51.7% to 48.3%.

Background: Carlos Gimenez was born in Cuba and immigrated to the United States with his parents in 1960 following the Cuban Revolution. Once his family made it to the United States, they settled down in a neighborhood of Miami that would become known as Little Havana. Since then, he has given back to the community that welcomed him through public service.

Gimenez earned his bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from Barry University. After graduation, he joined the Miami Fire-Rescue Department and began what would turn into a 25- year career as a firefighter. Eventually, he would rise through the ranks and serve as Fire Chief, a position he held for nine years. In 2000, Gimenez was recognized for his service and appointed Manager of the City of Miami.

In 2004, he decided to run for public office, winning his race for the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners. He would serve on the Board until 2011 before being elected Mayor of Miami-Dade County. He would go on to win reelection twice thereafter.

As mayor, Gimenez made government efficiency and accountability a top priority. He balanced the county budget each year in office by reining in excessive spending and eliminating bureaucratic bloat – going so far as to cut his own salary in half when he took office while also slashing the budget of the mayor’s office by over $1 million. Furthermore, he reduced the number of county departments from 42 to 26, eliminated 1,700 positions and renegotiated contracts with public sector labor unions – all of which helped amount to saving nearly $400 million.

Legislative Goals for Congress: Gimenez has outlined several priorities he plans to focus on once he takes office in January. Congress should work to ensure that the U.S. economy bounces back from the COVID-19 pandemic, he said. A strong economy is the foundation for properly taking on any other issue – including the environment.

Specifically, on the environment, the Congressman-elect will make sure the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Project is properly funded so that the water flows can be restored into both the Everglades and Florida Bay.

Gimenez has also said that he will work hard when it comes to health care. This means protecting the 200 million Americans who have private health insurance, but also making sure that quality, affordable health care is available – regardless of preexisting conditions – for those who do not have private insurance.

Key Quote: “Today was a rejection of extremism. Today was a rejection of partisanship. Today was a rejection of socialism and the evils of socialism and communism… We need to work together. This country needs to start to work together. We have threats from outside and inside, and for us to keep fighting makes no sense whatsoever.” (Source: Victory Speech on election night.)